It’s extremely difficult to manipulate clusters of small parts because the handles are always getting in the way. I’m constantly having to deselect parts (which can also be difficult if the handle takes up your whole screen, making it impossible to click on the void without selecting a handle) or click the normal select tool at the top of the screen just so I can select another part. The handles hitboxes should scale with distance – if I’m 100 studs away from the part I selected, it makes sense to up the sensitivity so I can select the handle from that distance at ease, but if I’m right up in that part’s space, those huge hitboxes for the handles are a serious pain – they should be the size of the actual handle when zoomed in that close.
I totally agree and support this suggestion. This has been a problem for me for as long as I’ve built with small parts, and I’m certain it’s been a problem for many others as well.
Incidentally you can select the normal select tool with the shortcut Ctrl+1. This is handy if you don’t want to your mouse across the screen.
Thanks, but I’ve never been a fan of using Ctrl+1-4 to select those tools
It’s faster for me to click the buttons than pressing both control and a number actually. If it was just 1-4, I would use the buttons though. Derpy me – I’m changing the shortcuts in studio to that now.
Additionally, you can click the empty space at the right side of your hierarchy to deselect anything you have selected. I actually moved my hierarchy to the left of my screen so I could do so faster.
[quote] Thanks, but I’ve never been a fan of using Ctrl+1-4 to select those tools
It’s faster for me to click the buttons than pressing both control and a number actually. If it was just 1-4, I would use the buttons though. Derpy me – I’m changing the shortcuts in studio to that now. [/quote]
Thanks for that info I’m totally going to do that now…
I have my hierarchy all the way to the right and as narrow as possible, and it’s hard to click on the white space if there are things with long names. What I need is a keyboard shortcut to deselect all, but I don’t see one in the list…
I have my hierarchy all the way to the right and as narrow as possible, and it’s hard to click on the white space if there are things with long names. What I need is a keyboard shortcut to deselect all, but I don’t see one in the list…[/quote]
ESC? Generally that’s how you deselect all in most programs.