Improve microprofiler documentation

The DevHub page for the Microprofiler is extremely lacking in usage and interpretation instructions.

The bulk of information on this page is hidden behind videos that mostly explain things I already know. Please extract the information from these videos and put it directly on the page so I can find it without scrubbing through three videos.

The custom profiling labels section also links to a dead page on “debug.profilebegin”.

Further, please add more detailed usage instructions. For example:

  • How to enable “Detailed mode”.
    • What the most prominent profiler labels mean or correspond to, and that hierarchical regions exist.
      Eg. image is a hierarchical region.
  • How to use other microprofiler modes (Eg. Timers, Counters).
  • How to save a microprofiler dump, and where the dump is saved on both PC and Mac.
    • I don’t use Mac so when I need to tell someone in Post Approval how to create a dump, we always get hung up on where to find it. I shouldn’t need to relearn how to do this every time I’m helping someone.

This old GitHub repo for the microprofiler doesn’t even contain any of this information in an accessible way, so the only way to figure out how to use this thing is through scattered forum posts or tedious videos.


Sorry for “necro-bumping”, but this is a must! It is really hard to use the micro-profiler for judging what is causing your game lag when the task has a name that you can’t look-up. For example, a game had the tasks “deserialisePacket” and “deserialiseItem” causing issues but I have no idea what they are! I’d recommend adding a list of tasks and what they actually do/how to reduce it.


As far as I can tell, most of the labels are ROBLOX specific and are extremely vague in what they actually mean, and just leaves us to guess. Performance analysis is extremely important and the current documentation only really goes into how to open and look at the microprofiler, not what the bars actually maen.

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