How do you go about efficiently moving a large group of parts using TweenService?
I need to move multiple massive 3d grids such as this one across the map via TweenService. I was thinking about unioning it, but I know unions are terrible for performance. Any suggestions?
Hm, this is obviously terrible for performance to move, so we have two options, moving it in a different way, or turning it into a different thing… Here’s an interesting auxiliary thought. Maybe you could save the building as a mesh as Crypt mentioned, and then when you need it, smoothly transition from the building to mesh, and move it!
I remade the entire grid in Blender, so it is now a mesh. As far as I’m aware, you aren’t able to take a model in Roblox and convert it directly into a mesh (correct me if I’m wrong about that)
I don’t like using Blender though, as I have a lot of issues with it. Especially with importing things. Sometimes certain meshes are transparent for no reason. And resizing the model in studio becomes very broken. Scaling on the X axis causes the Y axis to be scaled. Blender just causes a lot of wonky bugs which deters me from using it.
There is a method I share with the devforum a large amount for tweening models. It involves welding all of the parts to the primary part and then tweening the primary part’s position. This would look something like this:
for i, v in pairs (model:GetChildren()) do
if v:IsA("BasePart") then
local weld ="Weld")
weld.Part0 = v
weld.Part1 = model.PrimaryPart
weld.Parent = v
If you need additional help I can finish the script
You are sacrificing precise hitboxes using this method, though if they are not needed it is a viable method