Improve Sorts by utilizing Normalized Selling Performance

There is a specific pain-point for UGC Creators in the Catalog where the current sorts encourage:

In the current environment it does not necessarily restrict creators from making higher priced and higher quality items; however, it definitely does not encourage it nor promote the achievement of it selling like an item below its price-class.

These sorts (primarily Best Selling and Relevance) should take into account the units sold and the total revenue made and use this in a normalized manner to better represent the performance of these items on the Catalog.

For those who don’t quite understand what I mean by that, I’m advocating for Roblox to consider both those qualities of an item. These sorts should be measuring the “work” that the item had to put in to achieve its units sold. A cheaper item will have to put in less “work” to sell a large amount of units and a more expensive item will have to put in exponentially more “work” to achieve any growing % of the cheap-items units sold.

This helps highlight quality items that the community deems as such by purchasing them despite their price whilst also displaying quality/popular cheap items for the general masses.