Improved Asset Management Process Now Live

I’ve been waiting so long for this feature! It’s really appreciated! It’s nice to see that they are releasing these types of updates and working on optimizing the assets page for developers.

This is not “for packages” as the post stated its for Decals, Meshes, and Audio. And yes if someone archive their asset that you are using in your game it will disappear.

This means if you’ve used any free models from the Toolbox and the author decides to archive it. It will no longer be available. And so far Roblox hasn’t made any specific statements on how this will effect free models. So, if we are to assume that this is an oversight on their behalf. Then as stated before will be the result of said feature.

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Not exactly how it would work. If this was expanded to free models it would prevent the insertion of free models after being archived. A model that has been placed into a game is not pulled from Roblox’s asset library each time the game is loaded, instead the parts, scripts, and other instances associated are saved to the places DataModel.

Decals, Meshes, and Audio are saved only as pointers. That is, you don’t save a decal directly into the DataModel, you store a “Decal object” that points to the URL of the asset, and that Decal is loaded into the game when it is first used.

That is how I meant it, meaning that games which pull models by their id, would run the risk of the id’s being blocked, or models that have been moved directly into a game, would run the risk currently of decals, and potentially in the future mesh id’s of being blocked.

The idea of free models are to be inserted into the DataModel prior to a publish event for the place in which they are saved to that DataModel and uneffected by archiving of the model.

This would effect a specfic use case which wouldn’t effect any developer who packaged their own assets (and if you are inserting an asset through a script, you should probably be aware of the risks associasted with assets you don’t manage). It wouldn’t make free models useless at all, which would still allow entry-level developers the ability to use pre-created assets like chairs, guns, etc.

According to what TecmagDiams said:

Even if that were the case and pulling out a model through the Toolbox, people could just copy the model and publish it as their own, before model was archived. But then again, I think TecmagDiams cleared that up that there is no problem to worry about in regards to finding models in your game gone.

If you post a model that’s already posted as your own, you’re asking for a DMCA. Even if it is saved to the Data Model its not gonna load for any client.

So that basically would make the point of free models entirely useless? Considering that’s probably what a lot of starter developers start off with before making their own. It would kinda be annoying and irritating to see missing models in your game. Sometimes, ROBLOX updates can break games, but this is probably one of them. The one thing that is needed is to make your own models, not to rely on others, ‘cause when that source goes down, your source pretty much goes down with it.

But besides that, I don’t really think something like this will happen to models just yet. Meshes, audios and decals are effected because they rely on the ID’s of them from the library. Considering models made out of just parts, I don’t really think this will be much of an effect.

Again that’s not how models work… Free models, which have already been inserted into your game through Studio, are saved directly to the DataModel.

These will load, without issue, even if the original item is archived. This kind of system would only effect models you are inserting via script, which is what I covered in my first post. Parts in the DataModel do not need to refrence an AssetID upon loading a game. They are saved in the game itself as part of the DataModel.

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I would assume anything needing to reference an AssetID would disappear if it were archived. Considering things made of parts, I don’t believe it is possible archiving would effect any model made of parts as they don’t reference an AssetID (at least from what I know of). Using a script could most possibly need the AssetID and it being archived would pretty much have it’s effect. Would that be correct?

So (originally) free models will remain in games, but without decals, meshes, and sounds if any. Beautiful, thank you very much. I wonder if Roblox really want to get rid of starter or hobby devs.

Thank you for clearing that up!

Love the idea but it’s kind a a hassle to go all the way to the configure page and archive it. I think it should be a feature in your inventory (or at least have those three dots on each inventory instance) so it makes it more convenient.

I like the idea, but as people said it is a real hassle to go through every single asset and archive through the configure page.

A question of mine is:
When it disappears from, will it just show a 404 page or a “This asset was archived”

I like this idea because if I have some assets that are against the terms of service and terms of use and the rules I can archive it. Way to go roblox.

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Kinda late for this, but this is awesome! Now we can removed assets that we decide that isn’t good enough for our games or need to upload a better image. Just to keep from other people from using it when we don’t it anymore we can archive it, or have images that nolonger agree with the TOS and archive it. Beautiful! Can’t wait for this feature! :heart:

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Find better free models? Free models that don’t have issues will rise to the top? If you expect to rely on free models for extended periods of time without needing to update or replace things you don’t care about learning you just want to complain?

Like. Free models allow people to create and explore ideas when they are still new. They should be in a phase of constant growth and making new things, learning new things, etc. Breaking some decals, sounds, and meshes shouldn’t stop them.

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This feature makes me so happy, I have games from 2011 I have been needing to get off my games page. Thank you guys so much for this change

Fully deleting assets is a great idea. However, this is a good first-step towards that future.

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so dose archiving copyright content you have uploaded make it so that you will not get moderation action?