This tutorial will guide you through creating and using custom Enums in Roblox using Lua scripting. Custom Enums allow for better organization of your code and can make your projects more modular and easier to manage.
Now EnumItem is number it’s can send via RBXScriptSignal
local Enum = require(
return'ExampleEnum', {Default = 0, Foo = 0}) or'ExampleEnum', {"Default", "Foo"})
This plugin automatically includes both default Roblox Enums and your custom Enums, allowing for seamless integration and management of Enum types in your game.
New Update now you can put Enums files to anywhere
Basic setup for custom typeof()
local Enum = require(
Enum() <-- Done
print(typeof(Enum.Graphics), typeof(Enum.Grahics.Low), Enum.Graphics.Low) -> (Enum, EnumItem, number (13072))
print(Enum.Graphics.Low, Enum.Graphics.Normal) -> Unique Number (13072 13073)
Note: Although this module is just a small feature that anyone can create on their own, I just wanted to contribute to the forum and share what I’ve made for others to try out. There’s no need to read or pay attention if it’s not something you’re interested in.
Resource Link Enum