Improved performance for GeometryService CSG APIs

Superb optimizations to an issue that I find is usually ignored, I can finally make explosions utilizing CSG much better in terms of collision! (tried it out already, walking into craters work greatly!)


We’re really excited to get this update into your hands, but we’re holding off on deep technical details for now because things might still shift a bit as we finalize everything. Trust me, a tremendous amount of effort has gone into this update behind the scenes! We’re committed to delivering a polished experience and are focused on ironing out the last few wrinkles. A future blog post about the technical side is definitely possible, and I’d love to share all the intricate details then.


My colleagues are working hard to bring this feature to you as soon as possible! We’re really excited about its potential and know you are too. While I can’t give a firm date yet, I can say that it’s definitely on the horizon and not too far off. We’ll share more concrete information as soon as we can.

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That’s a very valid concern! As of today, the memory impact of real-time CSG is similar to loading many individual parts. There is a limit, and extended game sessions with lots of CSG operations could potentially lead to memory issues. However, we’re actively working on optimizations to minimize this impact. In the coming months, we’ll be rolling out improvements that should significantly reduce memory usage and make real-time CSG even more viable for long-term gameplay.


This is awesome, but can you please fix the meshes tweaking out at high speeds like in the null zone.

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Is this a new issue? can you provide an example and more details?


Thanks for clarifying, no idea how I missed that

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These improvements are great!
Will really be useful for me because my game depends on a lot of CSG API calls.


Awesome!, will be it released before the GeometryService api’s release out of beta features?


Probably not. Ideally the GeometryService CSG operations are out of open beta soon. CSG on Mesh has some behavioral edge cases for us to solve.


I figured it would be a difficult challenge,

Someday, somehow I’ll be able to punch holes in the hull of my mesh-based ship… Yar!

In the meantime if resorted to investigating Boolean subdivision and the editable mesh API, but it’s proving to be too complex to achieve ATM.


Sounds like good news :+1:


Thanks! Just to clarify, is the impact effectively identical to if those CSG instances existed in the game at edit-time? If a part created with realtime CSG is destroyed, the impact it has on the game is entirely gone? - this is my main question.


That is correct.



wow amazing stuff, can’t wait to see the games made possible by this


Optimizations like this aren’t just cool, they’re truly essential to making great technology like this work in games.

This version could already be used in regular games, like imagine a kebab skewer machine with this, the meat would just instantly substract off without having to wait 16 seconds for it to be cold.

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In the realm of building games this is super powerful. The catch right now is if i want to offer players the ability to save their builds, as far as i know there’s no way to save these unions out, either into a datastore, to their account as a model, or exported through a third party service via some compressed text format. What’s the roadmap look like for support in this direction?

Can’t check at the moment, was PromptCreateAssetAsync ever enabled?

I hope to incorporate this into my game so that people can burrow into trees in the world, dig holes in dirt patches, and maybe sustain battle damage on their creatures, as well as building integration.


Will the place file for this demo be released?

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WOW, Unions are getting really good. And these changes are being published every time flawlessly, keep up this amazing work, its unbelievable how much it’s improved.


Will the soon to release occlusion culling count as it being “destroyed” if completely culled out?

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