Improved Private Server Links

I was just curious about more so how the link would look, which I’d presume is something like what I mentioned in my edit:
though, that’s interesting and good to know. thank you for the information, and have a good one!

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In the future are you guys gonna add links to join a specific server?


For both Private servers & standard experiences, will this Mask the Experience/Server addresses ?

With the current setup, hackers can easily see the game address, and therefor add it to their games (hack program) and exploit it to enter the game/experience by others.

I understand this can only be achieved if 3rd party option is enabled, but I am hoping the experience address will be masked in the future.


Sorry for bumping this, but the new links seem to open a page, which has to load before redirecting you, which then has to load the game page, and then finally launch the roblox player. This has overall increased the time it takes to join a private server through a link, which I dont think is intended.

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I appreciate the callout! We’re aware of the latency that redirect introduces and have some ideas for a future improvement to speed up the flow.


Hey there I just wanted you to know on behalf of the roblox mobile community that the new private server link format does not work on mobile devices. Upon clicking mobile users are redirected to the play store or the App Store instead of roblox. This has been a serious issue with the new share code format and I hope you look into it and inform us accordingly.
(On behalf of a mobile user in my community)

(Another message on behalf of a mobile user in my community after the message above):

Hello again, after some troubleshooting the problem is fixed on Android devices but persists on iOS devices. After using a social media browser from an app called “viber” this time I was redirected to the home page of the roblox app. Yet I was not redirected to the private server of the experience. After I used another social media browser from Instagram I was redirected to the private server finally. It seems that the reason why the link fails to redirect us to the game is because of Safari or such browsers I hope this piece of information is useful to solve this issue.


Sorry about the delay! I’ll get back to checking this thread regularly :slightly_smiling_face:
For the issue of linking to the home page rather than the desired page, this is a bug that’s affecting almost all deep links on iOS and we’ve got teams working on getting the fix out the door ASAP.
Next I’ve got a couple questions to help debug the other behavior:
Which community? Is this a Roblox group, Guilded server, etc.
Is the issue of being directed to the App Store/Play Store when the app is already installed still happening? If so, is it happening when you click the link from another app (which app?) or is it happening when you paste the link into the browser (which browser?)
When Safari is failing to redirect you, do you mean that it sends you to an unexpected page, or that you receive a “Safari cannot open the page because the address is invalid” message?

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I tried to copy and paste the link in Safari and it still directed me to the app store. I have roblox installed for a long time and it is fully updated.
By the way, can Roblox add something similar to different social media apps’ “open in ___” in browser Context Menu to force the browser to open the private server link in Roblox?

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Hello again, thanks for responding to the issue and working on it. For the questions I will try to answer them all here.

At first I want you to know that this problem was not reported by a single game community but rather from multiple iOS users from multiple communities.

For the second question yes, the issue of being redirected to the App Store when the app is already installed still persists but there is no issue on Android devices. It only keeps happening on iOS devices. If you put in the link on browsers like safari and google it redirected me to the App Store but when I clicked on the link through Instagram which uses its own kind of browser I was successfully redirected to the private server.

Lastly by safari failing to redirect me I mean that safari redirects me to the Roblox app page on the App Store . I don’t receive any unexpected page or any address is invalid related message. If there is
anything else you need to know regarding this issue I am interested to help any day.

(Sent on behalf of a user in my community (my ROBLOX game server)).

Thanks, those clarifications were very helpful. Regarding pasting deep links directly into the browser, this is something that Apple chooses not to support. Here’s a blurb from their documentation:

Entering the URL directly into Safari’s address bar will never open the app.

Source Link
That is why the links direct you to the private server when clicked, but direct you to the app store when entered into the browser on iOS. I hope that information is useful.


Hey there! Pasting deep links into Safari is not something that Apple supports. I’m going to direct you to this reply which links to more detailed info: Improved Private Server Links - #43 by spottedriverturtle

Regarding the context menu, can you give an example of a case where you’re not seeing the Open in “Roblox” option? I see that when testing on my iOS device.

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Yesterday, I searched for a random roblox game on Google via Safari to test whatever the context menu option existed. However, I tried the same search result again and it appears now.

Awesome! Now people won’t be able to tell what game they are joining, and we can easily send people to crosswoods to get their accounts deleted! :grinning:

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Hello, how can I get game ID from the New Private Link?
I am making a discord bot and have to get game IDs, but I have no idea how to do it…

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Shame it got patched, Roblox removes the fun stuff.

This reply may be rambling… but here’s the situation as it stands today. Option one is to have your bot use something like puppeteer to follow the new link as it redirects to the old link format where you can then parse the ID from the URI. That’s definitely not ideal because you need a bloated dependency and it’s not the easiest bot to write. Option two is to simply curl the page and parse the Open Graph description tag (<meta property="og:description") to filter by game descriptions, but that’s clearly also not ideal because descriptions can change and someone might edit the description of an experience to get around your bot. So, I’ve implemented a custom meta tag that will look like this: <meta name="roblox:start_place_id" content="THE ID YOU'RE USED TO FROM THE OLD URI"> which will open up a third option to just curl the page and filter by the ID. I waited to reply until merging the code and getting it queued to roll out, so thanks for your patience. I will update this thread when the new meta tag is live and ready for bots to parse. :robot:


It’s alive! :zap::troll::zap:
So, for example, I’ve just curled a link of mine and can see this tag in the html:
<meta name="roblox:start_place_id" content="2686040248">
(shameless plug for Math Obby)


I’m a bit late to this, But are these going to work for Mobile Users sometime in the future? As it stands currently with the new links, They just redirect to the app / google play store. With seemingly no fix insight.

Hey there! Thanks for raising that point. Tapping/clicking the link rather than searching it will ensure that it works as you intend on mobile, but we hear your feedback and the team will put time into investigating a workaround for your use case.


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