As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to discover which games I have team create turned on, sharing with other players and make sure only a few select friends can spend time with me in experiences together.
If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because it would improve my Roblox experience a lot, for a variety of reasons.
Hello, almost a year ago I’ve been talking about some privacy setting I’d like to see somewhat returning.
I talked about Roblox potentially bringing back the “Best Friends” feature in here: Roblox Best Friends feature come-back
With the new announcements at RDC 24, I thought it might be a good idea to re-introduce this feature one way or another.
Aside from this, I also thought of a few more privacy settings that would be needed since Roblox will increase the friends limit from 200 to 1000.
These privacy options would allow people to manage which of their friends can add the user to team create, join in experiences etc. I listed these options below
New privacy options
Allow people to mark others as best friends (could be a client side setting, that is only seen by the user & can’t be seen by others)
(image 1) -
Allow users to change privacy settings to only allow best friends to join an experience
(image 2)
Alternatively, allow users to have a whitelist of people that can join them in experiences similar to the private server join list
(images 3 & 4) -
Allow users to change WHO can add them in team create, similar to who’s allowed to add you in private servers (This feature would prevent people from making inappropriate places and adding others to them to get them banned/terminated, it happened to one of my friends)
(image 5)
Alternatibely, allow people to have a whitelist of users who can add them to team create, similar to private servers or experiences as mentioned above -
Allow users to change who can chat with them in the upcoming parties & the old chat system.
(images 6 & 7) -
Allow users to make their “Highlights” tab private, similar settings to who can see inventory
Allow users to make their followers/friends list private, similar settings to who can see inventory
I have a community of my own, and I would like to add more people that are active in my community, on my friends list with the new best friends feature coming out, however I don’t want to allow EVERYBODY to join me in-games, add me to team create and get my account banned, and what not. Therefore I think I speak for many more developers and possibly content creators, UGC Creators and more, when I say that, some improvements to privacy settings would be really useful with this update, because otherwise, it might become useless for many creators, since they could be targetted by users & get banned.
I would still like to keep my small amount of trusted people separate from other users.
While on this topic, I would also like to suggest adding a new “tab” in the creator hub page, which allows people to see what games they’re sharing with others, so they can turn them off if they’d like to!
(this would show all games that have team create turned on, even if there’s no other user added to the game)
(image 8)
All of these are mock-up images I made myself, with examples of what the features could look like on the website. There might be some inconsistency/inaccuracy
(image 1)
(image 2)
(images 3 & 4)

(image 5)
(images 6 & 7)
(image 8)
Hopefully some of the features in this post could make it into the website to make sure this update is delivered properly and will make stuff easier for developers, to separate the fans they added from actual friends that they share memories with!