Improved Water with the Shorelines Beta

This is really affecting my game as-well, i really hope something like this does get fixed, its really been bugging me. My game is an ocean game this “Bug” massively effects the game.

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Hopefully they will have an option to revert the changes

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I cannot reproduce this problem. Can you please provide an example placefile?

Can’t reproduce this either. Can you please provide an example placefile?

EDIT: I was able to reproduce it. This seems to happen if the water level is not rounded to the whole voxel height. (I.e. it is not snapped to the 4 studs grid, the one you can see the brush snap to if you toggle the Snap to Voxels option in a terrain brush.)

We will work on fixing that, but if you want to try in the mean time, you can work around that by adjusting the water position to whole voxels.

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I tested this in my Neverland Lagoon game today.

This is happening…


I feel like this is where the ‘solid’ shore would have been before the water edge smoothing, so maybe collision hit boxes are not being updated?

You can see the original in the pic below

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You can revert back if you had a backup.

Not sure what that screenshot is showing?

Actually, probably not. I think your “original” has the typical “shoreline ridge”. To see where the solid shore should have been, in the old version you need to Evaporate the water. Then if you do undo/redo on that Evaporate action, you can see that adding water makes the solid “move” upwards and generates a small ridge. This was the crux of the issue - causing all the visual and collision bugs (like vehicles being stuck exiting water etc, as noted in the Jailbreak example earlier in the thread). In the updated version, adding water doesn’t change the shape of solid, so that you can have the smooth gradual slopes instead of those ridges.

Fixing that inevitably causes some change to its shape. Before, solid shore was different if you add or evaporate water. Now it is the same. As the shore was deformed into a wrong shape when you add water - we can’t both fix that and keep the same shape, right? :smiley_cat: That’s why the update recommends you review the shores and see if some things need to be fine-tuned for the new shape.

On the other hand, if your avatars are swimming “on top” of water a bit, that’s a different issue, and a fix for it is in the works.

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Sorry that first screen shot wasn’t clear, that was the feet of my character looking up from under water. It as if he is standing on an invisible block.

I wasn’t so concerned with the shape of the shoreline, I was just making a guess as to why I was walking on water at the edges.

I use a custom swimming so apparently the detection of water voxels is still correct, as my custom swimming worked perfectly. I just wanted to post the issue with walking like I was in shallow water, when I should have fallen deeper.

Hm, now that’s strange. There is an issue with a discrepancy between where water surface is rendered, vs where the swimming and camera detect the top of water - but only if top water voxels are not 100% filled (i.e. surface is not “snapped to voxel”). And a fix for that is on the way.

But I don’t see a case where collision with solid would be wrong. Solid collision should be using exactly the same triangles as rendering. If you have an isolated placefile where I can see that, it would be helpful.

The only thing I can think of is custom physics in the terrain tab.

  • You can turn off Custom Physics

  • Or you can mess around with the Physics Settings to see if that changes anything

I upgraded my game to the new shorelines and I noticed that raycasts interact with the the old version of the shore’s hit/collisionboxes, or generally the collisions of the terrain where are the new shores is not right.

WaterEdgeTest.rbxl (48.2 KB)

This might just be an issue with Terrain in general, the sort of ‘sticking’ to the walls, but it seems to be more so with water underneath.

First 3 images, it appears to stick me to terrain if an arm is at least touching it.
I can go quite a way down the wall, where my head is level with the top


This next image is as far as I could go with no water underneath. It still did some sticking but not nearly as dramatic, felt like maybe it was only checking the feet and torso.


These two images I was trying it with a sphere cut, instead of a cube, still the wall sticking is pretty dramatic.


The terrain is NOT voxel aligned, but the water IS voxel aligned.
It seems to happen if at least an arm or hand is touching.
This has no custom physics, just a vanilla place.

Hope this helps.


You are absolutely correct. The physics doesn’t match the rendering in these places (it uses the old shape as if it isn’t upgraded). Thanks for the example placefile it was really helpful, we will fix this ASAP.

Yes, you are probably seeing the same thing as SelDraken above. Shall be fixed.


Thank you Roblox Staff for making new and cool updates this year and trying to fix bugs ASAP!

Hopefully we get some good updates this year! :heart:


I’m waiting for not only foam, but underwater caustics as well.
(Caustics are those patterns you see under water that are caused by light refraction)


The tearing issue should be fixed since last week. Just wondering are you folks seeing this part as being OK now?

The rest of the reports (wrong collision near shore, shallow pools, etc) were all solved as well, but are still pending for release.


I can confirm that tearing is no longer an issue in game, however, I’ve noticed some weird terrain LOD artifacts. Assumed that the vehicles were the culprit of this issue, but now that you mentioned that the tearing has been fixed, I am inclined to believe it might be related. Nothing has been changed in the game and it happens regardless of the vehicle’s speed.

Video of me going through a tunnel section fairly slowly:

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Interesting. I don’t think this is directly related - it looks like LODs are toggling too late - but you never know, we need to look into it.

Can you please provide more info so we can reproduce this on our side? A placefile with just that section would be ideal. Also - does this happen only in the client (or only on mobile?) or do you see this when playing in studio locally?


Sure I’ll DM you all the relevant information.

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Ok these should all be fixed as of today:

  • terrain tearing,
  • wrong collision near water,
  • swimming above water,
  • underwater fog appearing above water,
  • bad LODs/z-fighting in shallow pools
    These should all be fixed as of now. Doesn’t require any new edits - just updated client (v563+).

Is anyone still seeing any of those, or some new issues?


The only issue I am having is when generating water at runtime.
I am still getting this issue.

Still not sure how I should be creating water to correct for this.

In this map water is created at runtime, and is a solid grid aligned voxel, opacity of 1, material of Enum.Material.Water