Improvement to game trailers

Currently with the way game trailers work:

  • They are only visible to the player when they are on the specific game’s page
  • They are limited to 30 (or less) seconds.

Having icons and thumbnails is great, however, it’s nowhere near as effective as having a video trailer play to showcase what the game has to offer.

What we have now

  • When sponsoring games the game icon is shown to players on the front page.
  • Trailers only appear to the player in the game’s page
  • Trailers are limited to 30 (or less) seconds

What we SHOULD have

  • Ability to set a 15 - 30, second trailer in place of a game icon
    • A great example of this would be the Google Play store, when you’re browsing for games you will see that some games have a video trailer that’ll play if you select it or if the game tile is being focused on.
  • Ability to make longer game trailers for when the player is on the game’s page
    • Since the player is interested enough to view the game’s page, having a minute-long trailer gives the developer a chance to cover a lot more of what the game has to offer than you could with a 30-second video, this can also be seen on places like steam for example.

Having the ability to add a trailer in place of a game icon would increase the chances of players clicking on games and exploring them as you can express/show off more than what you can from a single image.


This is a great idea!

A pretty good example of this is ProductHunt. On their homepage, you can see that products have video/gif icons.

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