Improvements for my newest building

Hello everyone, it has been a long time since my last post.
I’ve been busy working on commissions and with school projects aswell, but i could find some time to start working on a new project.
I still don’t know what is the project gonna be about, but i started by making this little building here, it took me few hours each day for about a week, since i’m really busy as i stated above.
I would like to get once again some suggestions, feedback, improvements ideas for this building from you beautiful people. :smiley_cat:



Welcome back! The buildings you made are really nice! They are my type of style and I personally love the style. I think one suggestion I would have would be the back fence. I think it would look better as a picket fence, or a other type of fence like picket. Other than that, keep up the good work! :rocket:

Picket Fence Example



Basically everything that @Swiffted has said is what I would recommend. Except where’s the front door?

Thanks for welcoming me back, and for the support aswell. :smiley_cat:
I would definitely add a back fence, it would look great for sure.
Thank you once again !

The front door is in the left part.

That didn’t really make much sense to me but I think I found it. On the last image right? Well your build looks really amazing and I love how you evenly placed everything about. I would maybe make the door a bit larger and make it really fancy. I’m assuming your going to texture it and place it into studio so I would maybe have it looker a little like this but without most of the metal bolts.

Anyways, you did a really good job after being away for a while! Wish you the best of luck on your project!

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Thank you so much, and yes this door would definitely be a great addition to the building.
I was thinking about adding a door like that but decided to rush it and focus on other details, but this is the example i’ve been looking for. I’ll definitely add it, thanks once again :slight_smile:


Your welcome! I do that all the time. I build something and I’m almost done but then I rush things and skip over because I get too excited! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Best of luck!

Yes that’s actually what happened :joy:
Thanks for the support, it means a lot !

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