Improvements to creator page when looking for assets/archiving assets

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to find & archive meshes in my inventory.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because this would make my workflow faster & help me a lot when looking to archive old meshes or when somebody steals my content & i’m looking for the mesh they ripped off.

If you’re a 3D modeler like me (or literally anything else, & work with a lot of decals, models, meshes etc) it’s sometimes it’s hard to find a desired item because of the huge amout of items you uploaded to the website.

I would love to see an option to at least mass-archive meshes, allowing users to “check” all meshes they want to archive, and then at the press of a button all of them would be archived.

Another thing I would like to see, is being able to change the page we’re looking at without having to click the arrows 100+ times to get to the desired page.

Finally, I would like to be able to search assets by name in my inventory or in the creator page. This would help A LOT of users & would save many’s time.

I have a lot of meshes in my inventory, some which come from creating & testing avatars for commissioners… there’s currently no way for me to just change the page without having to click the button.

This works soemwhat easier when looking for assets in the creator store. While it is not the perfect method, it’s at least somewhat better, as it helps making looking for items faster.

I would also love being able to see archived items in our creator page, so that we know what we’re un-archiving.

I understand this might be because the item becomes unavailable to be seen on the platform, but I would expect the creator to be able to see what they’re un-archiving.