WeaponsDemonstration.rbxl (2.1 MB)
Attached is a demonstration of the weapons system I’ve created. Putting all the scripts here would make it take way too long to explain lol.
I’ve never made a weapons system before, and don’t really know what the standard is for them but decided to try it out. This is what I came up with. Now I want to make sure it doesn’t cause any memory leaks, is secure against exploiters, and is the best it can be. All other opinions and thoughts are also welcome, those are just my main concerns right now!
EDIT: I forgot to include, please ignore the module loader scripts. Those were not made by me, but I am using it as a system for the game I am using this in! It’s also used for a lot of other scripts in my game for organization’s sake and is only there since I built the system around it!