Currently, I’ve been experimenting with creating a custom system similar to Natural Disaster Survival’s system where when a player clicks on another player, it shows a GUI that has buttons for the player to interact with.
The script works, however, I’m not really satisfied with the code because:
- Clicking on one of a player’s body parts means that the script has to loop through all of the possible body parts for R6/R15 in an array to detect what body part the player clicks on.
- Accessories that a player is wearing would interfere with the script even though the player clicked on a body part.
How should I improve this so that it’ll work more efficiently?
-- Client script in StarterPlayer/StarterPlayerScripts
-- Views information about the player that has been clicked
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Player = Players.LocalPlayer
local Mouse = Player:GetMouse()
local BodyParts = { -- R6/R15 rig bodyparts
"Left Arm",
"Right Arm",
"Right Leg",
-- Checks if Mouse.Target is a BodyPart
local function CheckTarget(Target)
if Target == nil then
for _, BodyPart in pairs(BodyParts) do
if Target.Name == BodyPart then
return Target.Parent
-- Fires whenever someone presses left mouse button
local function OnLeftClick()
local Target = Mouse.Target
local Clicked = CheckTarget(Target)
if Clicked == nil then
return -- if target is nil, do nothing
local ClickedPlayer = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Clicked)
if ClickedPlayer == nil then -- BodyPart isn't part of an actual player
Mouse.Button1Down:Connect(OnLeftClick) -- Connect OnLeftClick() to an event