I currently have a problem with retaining new users on my game. Looking at the stats, you can see that New Player First Session Retention falls down very quickly during the first 5 minutes:
I have gone in game and have seen many new users just joining and leaving after a while. Is there anything wrong with the introduction and tutorial? Here’s the game link: Orbforge [Alpha] - Roblox
Note that this only happens with new users. Returning users’ stats have no issue currently.
You’re losing a lot of players pretty fast, which isn’t unusual for a game platform based around Tourist players. However, you could work towards preventing this by improving your onboarding experience. I’ll share two useful resources to help you understand onboarding and how to guide players through it quickly and effectively. This will engage your players with the core loop of your game earlier on, giving them a reason to stay and play!
I have managed to solve this problem myself. The problem came down to the old tutorial and the lack of players.
During May this stat was horrible. Like really horrible.