I made this script just to test out if i can make a opportunity system like fnaf but i feel like the one i made isnt really efficient.
Is there anything i could improve on here?
I know i dont add enought comments its something i made quickly so i didnt see the need to add comments if im not using it for the long run i just wanted to know if theres anything in this script that could be improved
--// Services //--
local RS: ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
--// Models //--
local Hallucination = RS:WaitForChild("Hallucination"):Clone()
local HallucinationRoot = Hallucination.HumanoidRootPart
local PointsFolder = workspace.Points
Hallucination.Parent = workspace
--// Variables //--
local Lvl = Hallucination.LVL.Value
local Position = Hallucination.Position.Value
local Finished = false
Lvl = math.clamp(Lvl, 1, 20)
Position = math.clamp(Position, 1, 4)
local number = 0
--// Main Code //--
print(Lvl, Position)
while not Finished do
number = math.random(1, 5)
print("Random Number:", number)
if number <= Lvl then
Position = Position + 1
print("Lvl:", Lvl, "Position:", Position)
if Position == 1 then
HallucinationRoot.CFrame = PointsFolder["Point 1"].CFrame
elseif Position == 2 then
HallucinationRoot.CFrame = PointsFolder["Point 2"].CFrame
elseif Position == 3 then
HallucinationRoot.CFrame = PointsFolder["Point 3"].CFrame
elseif Position == 4 then
HallucinationRoot.CFrame = PointsFolder["Point 4"].CFrame
Finished = true
task.wait(5) -- Wait for a second before repeating