Improving the signal in platform feedback

Looking at the Roblox’s HackerOne submission page, I noticed an interesting feature that Roblox uses…

Looking at it, as a DevForum member, I believe it’s too hard to enable good platform feedback using consistant metric.

HackerOne uses a concept called Signal (Learn more about it) to calculate how reputable their reports would be and I think introducing a similar metric to here would help.

If this issue is addressed, it would improve my experience because it would allow me as a person to know how well I’m doing and forcing more lower quality posts to go through extra help or outright blocked.

To calculate Signal, HackerOne provides a document on this,


This is actually a great feature request that may have been overlooked.

Now that Post Approval has been deprecated, members cannot make posts under #bug-reports. This has become a minor issue over time as many users are frustrated by the system.

I suggested Roblox implements a system similar to this in the new bug report wizard beta.

Doing so would make a fair system for members that would also make sure the posts remain quality; and if they don’t, they won’t have enough reputation to post in the category again. This is a win-win, as members can post in categories they are restricted to but are limited the amount of posts they can make unless they have shown they can consistently make good bug reports that follow the guidelines.

More details:


If a system like this could be easily implemented on discourse (the forum software) it would be excellent for more than just feature requests, as it would be great for things like bug reports, or showing more helpful responses under #help-and-feedback .

Depending how it’s implemented, it could potentially be an incentive to raise the quality of posts as a whole. As HackerOne provided on their calculation example, Alice has higher signal and impact so posts from them are generally regarded as higher quality/more importance, while Bob may see their signal and impact as being lower and so may try to post better posts in the future.

I’m unsure how easy it would be to implement something like this into discourse however, so I’d imagine if this sort of thing was going to be created it would probably be planned alongside some sort of non-forum bug report/feature request site that has this feature implemented into it. (However that’d kind of defeat the purpose of having those things be in public sections as they are for people to heart/show want for something as well as replying to contribute further detail on them)

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