Improving user experience by reducing exposure of low quality content

Also I’d like to say this isn’t an update. This has been part of the metadata guidelines for a very long time now, it simply is something the developers on the platform have been resistent to adopting and I think that in general the ranking pushing favor away from titles that do not follow this long-standing guideline is a good thing.


I can totally see how important it is to let high-quality content shine. But I think you should also consider how this might affect new creators and the diversity of ideas on the platform.

Rn games like Go Fishing and Fisch have similar names but offer unique gameplay experiences and have their own fan base. So its about starting from inspiration and then evolving into something totally your own. I just worry that limiting visibility from the start might hold back these new ideas from growing and connecting with players.

Don’t get me wrong, I totally understand the need to prevent copycats or low-quality games. But maybe you can find a balance that allows for both uniqueness and inspiration to flourish. Because, let’s face it, some of the best games on Roblox started from a spark of inspiration and grew into something incredibly cool. I love the idea of encouraging creators to put their own spin on things, but make sure you’re not unintentionally blocking out new talent or innovative variations.

I don’t think this would be a good method, this would favor copy games over real games.

best roblox update
it’s going to be super nice being able to find things actually relevant instead of “poop yourself simulator!!! (x2 gold event)” or something stupid like that

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Hey there!

I’m the creator of Noobs vs Zombies: Realish Reborn! This game recently managed to get on the front page of Roblox, and I’ve been very happy with how it’s development has been going!

While I love the idea of this update, I am a little worried about this portion:

  • Stick to the same network of groups and accounts when publishing sequels and spin-offs to your existing experience. This way, our systems know that it is connected to you, and your sequel/spin-off can continue to enjoy discoverability.

My game is a fan-made sequel to the original Noobs vs Zombies Realish, where I got permission from the owner to make it. I am a little concerned that my experience may get limited because it is deemed a “knockoff” of the original title, despite being a refined sequel of sorts. Alternatively, I would want to make sure the original isn’t stunted in discovery either for being less popular (as it is much older). Obviously I’m not the creator of the original game and thus it is uploaded under a different account (my own).

Will there be consideration for edge-cases like these?


roblox is pumping out banger updates recently.

I know lots of people make separate groups per game so if they want to sell the game they don’t have to also sell the other games in that group. Will only that one group have continued discoverability for new games or would it be for every group someone owns?

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First the group-player game ownership transferring and now this? It seems like Roblox has been listening in on my Discord conversations LOL. I do think there will be some downsides to this for smaller developers with low budget for ads, but I’m so glad there’s a less likely chance I’ll see 80 copies of FortBlox and 74 copies of Blob Eating Simulator on my recommended…

Speaking of recommended games on the home page, are they getting an upgrade too?


My game is old, 2008 old. There were a few spin-offs my friends made back in 2010 that use similar titles. I made a new version of my game in 2016 long after those died out and it is now strong with a few hundred CCU on average and millions of plays total. Would I be impacted by this?

I think they could expand it to not be sorted with titles and description, but maybe something gameplay related or based off of feedback (I think they announced a few weeks ago about a game feedback system? I could be wrong though.)
But getting a game started was definitely an issue back when I was a small solo developer 6 months ago. Then my game blew up and the main issue I have now is keeping the players while copy/paste games are stealing so much of the playerbase with their “addictive” and “rewarding” gameplay.


If I’m interpreting it correctly, as long as it’s under the same owner (player/group), it shouldn’t be affected. So something like the Camping games by SamsonXVI wouldn’t be impacted negatively.

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The concern are the spin-offs my friends made under their own accounts.

Of course, but at some point something went wrong:




Could you please provide clarification about how the place file similarity checking works?

I’m curious as to what sorts of asset re-use would be factored in.

(like is it just direct copy/paste/reupload being tracked+counted or do instances with the same properties also count as a “copy” [e.g. open-source frameworks, free models, etc])

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i am presently not experiencing this

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Tags don’t work anymore….

The same exact thing happens if you look up Voxlblade.

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anyone here know C++ and is willing to educate a newbie? I think I might be done with developing on this platform.

my experience Petkeepers hasn’t gotten this yet but the likely case is that it will, if I’m understanding this post correctly.

what I find Roblox isn’t understanding is that it’s nearly impossible to generate any revenue from an original game when the entire site has a userbase that only clicks on the same things, if not very slightly different. like an AI image-recognition model trained only on a set of five similar photos.

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same thing still happening with the game I work on too

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Finally, Roblox promoting professionalism!

And woah, actually being told if our game exposure is reduced, and taking into account groups and accounts and sequels? Roblox actually thought a big update through? Finnaly! Brilliant!

Lets say I upload my meshes, images and other assets to a random alt account first to make sure they look right and are to my standards (I don’t wanna have a million failed assets in my inventory lol) and then I upload them to my main account, would this still be eligible to increase my reach?