Today while I was responding to a very ill-mannered human which I won’t go deeply into. I noticed that when I have two tabs of roblox open, and I switch accounts from one to another, the in-app chat makes a group with the original two users and somehow adds me in it? Sending a message in the group does reset everything but it’s still quite odd.
Expected Behaviour:
I expect the new tab to refresh immediately as I change accounts. Rather than showing half new account and half old account.
Reproduction Steps:
- Open roblox.
- Middle click on any button so it opens a new tab.
- Switch accounts to another user.
- Do ensure that the chat menu is not visible on the other tab.
- As the new account loads, switch back to the other tab and expand the chat menu.
- You will see a random group that when you send a message in, sends the message from the account you changed to.
Bug Stats
Discovered: Today as of writing this post.
Frequency: Consistent
Impact: Low
Type: Visual
Browser: Chrome
Browser Version: Version 131.0.6778.109 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Side Notes
This obviously, doesn’t occur on mobile. Browser only bug.
Video linked in private message, if you are a roblox staff, please view it.
A private message is associated with this bug report
Let me know if a duplicate bug-report exists.