In-Game Avatar Editor using AvatarEditorService

I recently created a new in-game avatar editor using the new AvatarEditorService APIs. I designed the editor to have a similar appearance to the avatar editor in the Roblox App. This editor has support for saving avatars, saving outfits, viewing player inventories (including outfits) and browsing the shop. The appearance can also be customized by modifying the GUI instances and templates used.


Known Issues

  • In rare cases categories might display different assets (such as the Hats category showing faces)
  • Emotes aren’t available yet
  • Only 1 of each category can be worn currently
  • Sorting options aren’t available in the avatar shop


The place is uncopylocked and contains everything shown in the above video.


Everything used is in ReplicatedStorage, ServerScriptService, and StarterGui. The contents of ReplicatedStorage and ServerScriptService are required for player avatars to update in-game after saving.

To use the AvatarEditorService, you must apply to join the beta.


Amazing. How did you make the first image?

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I took some screenshots of it and put them in Paint 3D with a large black brick at the back for a background. It looks like this when zoomed out some more.


Neat! The game seems to be glitched, I tried joining and no items appeared. I rejoined and there was a loading bar that just kept loading and nothing showed up after a prolonged period of time.

Currently the game can’t be played on the website. To test it you need to open it in Roblox Studio and mess with some flags.

Unfortunately, I haven’t yet applied to the Roblox Beta Program, so I cannot test the game or give feedback on it.

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This looks awesome! Thank you for sharing

How did you do it, the service is not yet available :thinking:.

I messed with some internal functions in Roblox Studio while developing this.

Will it soon have UGC? I am just wondering…

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Which flags do we need to enable?

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??? image

Can you show the hole code so the variables to