Care to elaborate on how to do this, pretty please
I believe there is a module script with a lot of asset ids, you can just edit it so that rather than having a prewritten library of items it uses AvatarEditorService to fetch and write items into the module script.
Yep, I looked through and it’s called CatalogData. The problem is that CatalogData feeds into a module called CatalogList. CatalogList has methods that search CatalogData and update itself according to what another module, called AvatarEditorClient, tells it to do.
Modifying this CatalogList module is the tricky part. It has to use AvatarEditorService’s methods, rather than working off a predefined table of catalog JSON data from CatalogData.
Can I have your discord so I can DM you?
did you know private messages exist on the devforums???
To the OP: Is this working against the now paused update which made everyone mad??? (the experience marketplace items guideline)
Probably, have not really read into the new guidelines. I’m guessing Roblox wanted to prompt a purchase request every time a user viewed an item in the marketplace? I think it would be a simple change to make. It would be very annoying to the user though.
Hello, it is possible to change Avatar Editor v2 to normal UI (like avatar editor v1) because the new Roblox CoreGUI makes the avatar editor button blocked and there are also those who can’t access it because it’s blocked
Yes. Since Roblox updated the CoreGui, TopbarPlus v2 no longer matches the new design.
You can make your own custom loader for the avatar editor, or you can use Topbar Plus v3 here: TopbarPlus v2.9.1 | Construct intuitive topbar icons; customise them with themes, dropdowns, captions, labels and much more - #1039 by ForeverHD
How could i make no limits of accessory equips?
The setting module has a MAX_ACCESSORIES variable you can change.
It doesnt support 3d clothes and when your character resets the 3d clothing will be removed, how do i fix that?
Sorry, this was made before 3D clothing. You would have to add support for HumanoidDescription.AccessoryBlob
I think you would have to modify AvatarEditorServer:ToAppearanceInfo
method to add support for it.
Hello I have issue. When i go to “Wearing” section it won’t load every accessories. Why?
Hate to revive a super dead thread, but worth to ask as it’s giving my players a lot of headache. @0_1195 will you ever make support for modern GUI/TopbarPlus v3? I’m not quite sure how to convert it over myself, since I’ve never worked with TopbarPlus before and the Editor seems to have its own code for it that I’m not sure how to work with.
I updated the place to use v3. The Github is archived so I am not updating that. Should probably update the model, too.
If you want to do it yourself, StarterPlayerScripts.LocalScript:23
Just replace the TopbarPlus v2 modules with the new v3. The module is called Icon
Replace the relevant code.
local avatarIcon =
:set("iconRectOffset",, 375))
:set("iconRectSize",, 53))
:setCaption("Avatar Editor")
local avatarIcon =
{"IconImage", "ImageRectOffset",, 375)},
{"IconImage", "ImageRectSize",, 53)},
:setCaption("Avatar Editor")
You are a literal godsend, thank you so much.
In the top bar, unless I messed up publishing the place.