In-game chat does not respect sunk inputs

The chat window comes into focus when panning the thumbstick - or any other sunk input - over the chat UI.
This is because the chat window ignores sunk states (aka gameProcessedEvent).

For players, this is disruptive and frustrating during gameplay - If you move the thumbstick too high on your phone, you lose visibility over a quarter of your screen by walking around normally, or panning your camera.

For developers, this breaks our careful ContextActionService input sinking code. Dragging something across the screen isn’t expected to activate the chat window.


This happens because the chat window uses a UI event like GuiObject.InputBegan or GuiObject.MouseOver to listen when a cursor or finger passes over the window. These events fire before ContextActionService bindings, so they cannot respect ContextActionResult.Sink.

The Chat team can fix this by using ContextActionService bindings, or UserInputService events with gameProcessedEvent to check when the mouse is actually over the UI.

The attached repro should make it possible for an engineer to verify a fix - A script is sinking every possible ContextActionService input, but the chat window is still appearing. The expectation is for the background to never appear when every input is sinking.

ChatBugReport.rbxl (57.1 KB)


I am not aware of a workaround besides turning the chat window off via SetCore.


Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

Hello, my apologies for the delay, are you still experiencing issues with this bug?

Hi, yes.
Note that the original report mentioned disabling chat with SetCore(“ChatActive”) to mitigate. Removed that from the post because it didn’t fix the case of accidentally brushing the chat window with the thumbstick.

Understood, thank you for your report. We are currently looking into this issue and I will keep you posted on any potential updates.