In-game output window displays wrong line numbers

My Race-module has a total of 257 lines and yet, the output tells me about the 15813th line. Seems to happen every time.
Reproduce: Make a script error and view it in in-game output when playing online.
Noticed the bug today.


Getting the same issue, across multiple server scripts in the game. Instancing new scripts seems to increase the line number for that script.

Getting the same issue. Had to debug deathrun today, and this was really annoying…

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Yes, I noticed this bug yesterday. Studio is fine. In-game is crazy.


15556, this unsettles me.

I think this is a side effect of code obfuscation in live instances, if you do a team test and open a script, it’s blank, errors in team test do this too.

well here I thought it was only me

nice to know it’s not on my end

ROBLOX obstructing the code in server???:thinking::thinking::thinking: if this is true then this is amazing

This is happening to me and is really annoying when trying to fix bugs…!


I think they just aren’t setting script.Source, they’ve said multiple times they can’t obfuscate code.

We’re aware of this issue and working on a fix.


This has made it extremely difficult to debug issues in scripts that are like 100 lines long.

I feel bad for the people on the front page with scripts that exceed 500 lines and encountering game breaking issues. It’s basically a death sentence.

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I am trying to repro this to fix and can’t get it to happen.
Could someone please walk me through a detail Steps To Repro: assume I am starting from blank new project. Please include the simplest possible path to cause this to happen.

This bug stopped occurring (for my game) at April 27-ish, all line numbers in our logs are normal after that day.


Thanks for the quick reply.
Can anyone else out there repro and/or confirm that the problem has gone away?

Haven’t noticed any absurd line numbers in the stacktrace since sometime mid April 26th.

It has gone away.

It’s a’gone!

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