In-Game Purchases Not Going to Pending?

Hello, I am making a matching outfit ideas game and when you buy a shirt in the game its supposed to go to your pending right? Commissions. My group owns the game, and when me and my friend bought a shirt from my game (that is owned by the group) it doesnt go to pending. I’m very confused.

We bought about 21R$ worth of clothes, that’s supposed to be 6 robux. I’m not seeing that anywhere though?

I hope there is a solution & that someone can help me because my previous post got no views or attention at all & I kind of need this done by tonight. Sorry for the rush! Thank you! :heart:


Do you have automatic group payouts turned on? If so, the Robux will be pending in the payout recipient’s account.

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im not sure what that is. how do you make it go to the group funds?

Any group payout recipients would show up here:

it says i dont have any funds, thats my worry, since someone bought a shirt in my game, it shouldve given me 30% into pending but it didnt

And you’re sure that you don’t have any recurring payouts to anyone?

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im not quite sure because i dont know how much i had pending prior, but is there any way i can make it go straight to the group? sorry if you already went over what im asking, im a bit slow…
tysm btw

As long as you have no recurring payouts, all Robux from sales should go to your group. You can check if you have any recurring payouts by following the steps I sent in my 2nd reply.

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This might be because it’s owned by you? I’m not too sure, but it doesn’t make too much sense for you to get commission from money you’d be making anyways. This is how commissions work:

if the item is bought not in game,
30% to Roblox
70% to creator

if item is bought in game
30% to Roblox
10% to game owner
60% to creator

Meaning 10+60 = 70, so you’d be getting the same thing. I’m not sure if that’s the reasoning, but regardless, you are getting the same amount of money.

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right, i’d like to further explain on what i meant;

basically, im making one of those “outfit idea” types of games, meaning i just make a bunch of avatars with peoples ugc, clothes, etc. i didn’t make the clothes nor ugc, im there to make the avatars & get the 10%, you know?

sorry for not clearing this up prior.

thank you!

That was what confused me, are you sure you had no recurring payouts?

im hoping that i did, but we will just have to see. thank you all so much :slight_smile:

got my friend to buy another shirt, (he liked the shirt) and it went NO where. im not even sure where the money went.

the only thing was the donation lb which worked, but he also bought a shirt. that didnt show up anywhere

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thank you! im still just confused why i didnt get anything, though. is it because 5 robux is too little to be 10? im stupid

You need 7 minimum for classic clothing

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ohh i see thank u so much haha that makes more sense

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