In-game silhouette effect


As the title suggests, I’m trying to recreate the effect that’s used in animes and games where during a hard hitting move, the character glows white, and the world goes black, or vice versa. I have an example image. Not exactly roblox but to give an idea.

If anybody knows how I could effectively recreate this effect, that would be amazing and it’d be a huge help.

Thank you for your time and your patience, stay safe.

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I found out that I can apply a highlight to the workspace and it makes the world black, but the sky remains the same. I guess maybe doing workspace highlight, character highlight, and then atmosphere or something like that?? Not sure.

Im pretty sure alot of games use images as this, but if not then you could just use a change of color correction and lighting settings

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I tried using a mix of color correction + atmosphere but it leaves a weird fade effect near the floor, then again that’d be the only way to keep particles in I guess.

Something like this?

If you want the model tell me.


no not like that, hang on I’ll go see if i can get a better example.

This is an impact frame from I believe Fire Force, notice how the entire world behind them goes black, but they light up, that’s what I meant.

highlight and color correction would work, and/or with a skybox.

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Well in that case i would make a drawing instead of using Roblox effects

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Disable your current color correction and then add a new color correction and make the brightness 1 or -1 and adjust your contrast and then make your saturation 0

Next you want to add a highlight that’s the opposite color of your color corrections main color then apply that highlight to every part that you want to be visible during the flash/scene

then wait 0.1 (Or around that amount) and then do the inverse colors of what you did initially so make the highlights either white or black and then make your color correction either 1 or -1.

In between these flashes you can spawn some particles that are white or black depending on what you need with ParticleEmitter:Emit()
then delete everything afterwards


To make the impact frame match your animation, find a specific point in your animation and then take a screen shot of it and draw over it in any drawing program (Make sure the characters are basic shaped ones like roblox 1.0 dummies), then just draw a couple black and white versions or whatever you need

For drawn versions, you must make sure your camera is in a fixed position like a cutscene animation with a short pause in the camera movement (use blender and attach part to a bone then animate the bone and in script make the camera view from the part)

Once the camera part reaches a specific keyframe, add in your impact frame drawings with some loop and quickly go through them then delete


this worked about right, thank you so much

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