Currently looking for some feedback and perhaps critique on the current lighting for my game. I believe Lighting will be very important for the genre of game I’m currently working on.
The game’s Genre would be the Zombie / Survival / Survive the Night type. I want the overall brightness to be quite low, that way players are encouraged to use their Torch to see where they’re going. This is an important mechanic to me because when a player is using their torch, zombies will have a larger aggro distance making it risky to travel in the light.
This game also relies heavily on a Warmth mechanic. So I’m also trying to make the atmosphere appear chilly.
I’m struggling finding a balance between too bright where the torch becomes redundant, and too dark where the rest of the map quality looks poor.
Screenshots In-Game
Current Lighting Properties
Lighting Properties
Bloom Properties
Color Correction Properties
Sun Rays Properties
Here’s the game if you want to just see it for yourself.
The Game
I appreciate all feedback. Sometimes I find myself overthinking whether what I’ve done looks good or not, and that’s why I find feedback of others important.
Looking forward to replies