Version: v2.11.0
Festive Felons Event
- Vote for the PRESENT HEIST special mission!
- Invade Santa’s Storage Facility to steal presents as a thief
- As camera, defend the facility from the thieves
- Gain Holiday Cheer from your deeds
- Earn additional Holiday Cheer by putting up or taking down holiday decorations during normal rounds
- As a thief, gather decorations from piles near drop off points
- Take them to the blue decoration outlines scattered about
- As camera, shoot down the placed decorations
- Spend your Holiday Cheer to get special characters
- You’ll find the event store in the corner of the lobby
- Specifically, in the same place as previous event shops
- There is a new event thief and camera
- In the thief and camera shops, there is a new Festive Felons event rarity
- Have a rare chance to unlock the event characters with cash
- Alternatively, they can be bought in the event store
Moneybag Skins
- There is now an additional NEW cosmetic being sold in the Black Market!
- You can now acquire thief MONEYBAG skins
- They cost $40,000 and $85,000 (for special ones)
- This initial drop offers 18 NEW moneybags to get
- Of those, 3 are Festive Felons event EXCLUSIVES:
- Snowglobe
- Ornament
- Present
Laser Modules
- The prices for Laser Modules have been decreased!
- Large tier now costs $95,000 (from $350,000)
- Small tier now costs $50,000 (from $150,000)
- Owners have been refunded 40% of the original price paid
- The arrows on the gradient shop preview are now more visible
Event Characters
- The Event rarity is no more!
- Event characters are now sorted into the normal rarities
- If you don’t own a given event character, the silhouette won’t show up
- There is now an icon to indicate which event a character is from
- The rarity changes are as follows:
- Dracula → Legendary
- Mummy → Uncommon
- Grim Reaper → Rare
- Graymane → Rare
- Skelly → Epic
- Scar → Legendary
- Frankenstein → Uncommon
- Great Pumpkin → Epic
- Scarecrow → Rare
- Plague Doctor → Legendary
- Ben the Banana → Epic
- Raven → Epic
- Cole → Epic
- Chloe the Coconut → Epic
- Witch → Rare
- Clown → Outlawed
- Spidey → Epic
- Bat → Epic
- Banana → Epic
- The beginner tutorial prompt now requires you to read it for 3 seconds before pressing “Yes” or “No”
- Updated team chat to display a colored letter in front of names instead of changing the name color
- It’s now the holidays in the city!
- The lobby and shops are now full of festive decorations
- There is now new holiday music in the lobby
- The Black Market now has a new product info menu
- When equipping or buying cosmetics, it shows extra information
- Descriptions are now available on all Laser Modules and Moneybags
- The Buy Money menu now uses the Robux icon instead of “R$”
- The direction arrows on laser modules are now much more visible
- Complex
- Fixed the generator and light glitching out Tony’s ability
- Fixed a boost spot near the parking lot
- Fixed the ATM with no collision
- It appears some construction has begun in Mall…
- Fixed a broken texture on the Museum map
- Added something very rare to Restaurant
- The duration of the round is now displayed on the end results screen
- Updated Diego
- Special items are now highlighted light blue
- Golden items are now highlighted yellow
- Cyb0rg, Eek, Formula Zero, King Midas, Mr. Tentacles, and Shelly’s abilities now show a timer when used
- Fixed Mr. Tentacles’ ability moving you forward if you get downed while your ability is active
- Fixed Medusa’s petrified NPCs reducing map value when stolen
- Fixed thieves being unable to deposit holdables sometimes
- Glitch can no longer use the “Necromancy” ability
- Scar’s eaten items are now counted as dirty cash
- Cameraflage, Chaingun, Deadeye, Firefly, and Spidey’s abilities now show a timer when used
- Fixed Annihilator and Banana not ignoring NPCs and debris when raycasting
Known Issues
- Deadeye’s thunderbolt sound is missing
- Network lag when entering rounds
Version: v2.11.1
Festive Felons Event
- Present Heist special mission
- Cameras now earn 3.5 Holiday Cheer per thief downed (from 1.5)
- The decimal was and still is rounded up at the end of the round
- Both cameras get credit for a downed thief
- Cameras now get a notification when earning Holiday Cheer
- Thieves now earn 2 Holiday Cheer per present (from 1)
- All thieves now have a +2 walk speed boost
- Depositing a present now gives $200
- Blocked off some camera slightlines
- Revised present placement
- Holiday decorating
- Added collisions to unplaced decorations to prevent getting stuck in them
- Nerfed Holiday Cheer income for both thieves and cameras
- Fixed the hitboxes of the decorations blocking items
- Fixed the end results screen displaying the wrong characters after the Present Heist special mission
- Thief and camera shops
- Fixed inventory menu navigation on console not working
- Fixed the inventory menu scaling
- Fixed unowned exclusives being shown in the inventory menu
- Black Market
- Fixed the navigation arrows unintentionally staying on screen sometimes
- Improved controller navigation in the menus
- Lumi
- Attempted a fix at the character and lighting glitching out
- Now partially affected by walk speed modifiers such as Spidey’s web
- Shockwire
- Shooting wires will now go through any players to the first hit map part
- This means that if a thief is walking away from you and you shoot at them, you’re much more likely to hit them
- Firing wires after having placed 10 will now replace the oldest wire
- Removing all wires by holding down the ability is now faster
- Performance improvements for placing wires
- Pulse diameter buffed to 4 studs (from 3)
- Pulse volume halved
- Fixed the explosive shot visuals not animating when laser visibility is turned off
- Gave Deadeye a new thunderbolt sound
Known Issues
- Lumi does not instantly slow down when having a slow effect applied to her (eg walking on Spidey’s web)
- Network lag when entering rounds
1 Like
Version: v2.11.2
Festive Felons Event
- The event is now over, thanks for playing!
- The three Holidays exclusive moneybags are now offsale
- Fixed the Disable Shadows setting being reset after rounds
- Added a new IPS2 content creator, Zoarey
- Added 14 NEW moneybag skins to the Black Market (2 special, 12 normal)
- Fixed Black Market inventory UI navigation on controller
- The “More Weight Capacity!” anomaly gives 2-3 weight (from 1-2)
- Mansion
- The bedroom wardrobe is now stealable
- Added Mayo Boy brand mayonnaise
- Added a new special items to Complex and Restaurant (one each)
- Fixed the forcefield item being invisible in Museum
Supply Runs
- Supply Guys (the NPCs)
- Disabled climbing, should hopefully get stuck less
- Movement animations now smoother
- Increased walk speed
- Lumi is now instantly slowed when a slow effect is applied to her (like walking on Spidey’s web)
- Diego’s ability outlines now show the correct color for golden and special items.
Known Issues
- Network lag when entering rounds
Version: v2.11.3
Happy Lunar New Year
- The whole Restaurant map has been redecorated for Lunar New Year (new items and decorations)
- Added a new moneybag, Dragon Lantern, available in the Black Market occasionally
- Museum
- Major gameplay overhaul to the main room (added windows, new platforms)
- Turned some level geometry into items which can be stolen
- Added many new items
- Revised the lighting
- Mall
- Turned some level geometry into items which can be stolen
- Increased the size of small jewelry item hitboxes
- Added new interactions to the Jewelry Store
- Bank
- Filled in some empty wall spaces where you could get stuck
- Added something incomprehensible
- Very small NPC spawn regions now have higher chances to spawn an NPC
- Turned some level geometry into items which can be stolen on Mansion
- Added a new whimsical special item to Farm
- Certain dropped moneybags will no longer be missing details
- Items inside stacks can now be chosen as golden items
Known Issues
- Network lag when entering rounds
Version: v2.11.4
Serious Business
- Added a new extremely competitive leaderboard
- Added a new competitive special round
- Added a new turbo competitive map
- This serious business lasts 3 days
Lunar New Year
- This mini-event is now over, hope you enjoyed!
- The Dragon Lantern moneybag is now offsale
- Restaurant has returned to normal
- Fixed The Individual in Mansion not being marked as a special item
- Fixed item stack ordering on Complex, Mansion, Mall, and Bank
- Fixed a visual issue with the Whimsical Porch Rock on Farm
- Fixed miscellaneous building issues in Complex and Farm
Known Issues
- Network lag when entering rounds
Version: v2.11.5
- Added a codes section to the settings menu for an upcoming plushie
- No, there won’t be random free stuff codes
- Fixed the April Fools leaderboard being partially visible
- Revised clipping in Restaurant, Mansion, Mall, Farm, and Police Station
- Fixed items in Museum glitching nearby geometry when stolen
- Allegedly lots of new Golden Divorce Paper locations…
- Revised some item stack orders on Mansion
- Updated item values
- Drinking Fountain (8w 100v → 6w 120v)
- Money Tree (12w 600v → 12w 750v)
- Painting (2w 60v → 2w 80v)
- Washer (8w 350v → 8w 325v)
- Dryer (8w 350v → 8w 325v)
- Dishwasher (5w 80v → 5w 160v)
- Cage (10w 200v → 8w 250v)
- Hoop (2w 20v → 4w 150v)
- Large Toy (6w 150v → 5w 200v)
- Podium (8w 200v → 8w 250v)
- Pet Ball (1w 15v → 1w 35v)
- Gemstone (5w 200v → 5w 225v)
- Bawxing Car (12w 300v → 12w 350v)
- Path givers in Museum (10w 200v → 10w 250v)
- Doomspires in Museum (10w 250v → 10w 350v)
- Bloxy (10w 400v → 10w 500v)
- Dominuses in Museum (2w 120v → 2w 200v)
- Dinosaur Egg (6w 120v → 5w 250v)
- Captain Chair (8w 180v → 8w 400v)
- Computer (14w 320v → 14w 550v)
- F3X (2w 80v → 2w 100v)
- Trees in Museum (16w 300v → 12w 400v)
- Armors in Museum (14w 310v → 12w 400v)
- Fireplace (10w 180v → 16w 300v)
- Corner Wedge Part (2w 50v → 2w 70v)
- Golden Pillar (16w 750v → 15w 750v)
- Jetpack (5w 120v → 5w 200v)
- Couch (20w 700v → 20w 600v)
- Nameplate (2w 30v → 1w 30v)
- Server (4w 100v → 4w 125v)
- Small Speaker (3w 70v → 3w 90v)
- Switch (1w 25v → 1w 40v)
- Button & Regen Button (1w 15v → 1w 25v)
- AND Gate (5w 100v → 5w 200v)
- Lever (4w 80v → 4w 120v)
- Energy Button (4w 100v → 4w 150v)
- Boombox (8w 300v → 8w 400v)
- Sink (7w 125v → 7w 275v)
- Golden Egg of Kings (2w 70v → 2w 120v)
- Other eggs in Museum (2w 60v → 2w 85v)
- Swords in Museum are now 50% more valuable
- Ronald’s Smokebomb+ ability now charges 25% faster than normal Smokebomb
- Increased Subzero and Mr. V’s ability cooldowns to 35 seconds (from 30)
- Scarecrow now gains +25 walk speed (from +20) for 5 seconds (from 3)
- Lowered Great Pumpkin’s ability cooldown to 25 seconds (from 30)
- Heavily buffed Lazarius and Private Brian’s Squad Support bonuses
- Nerfed Payday to now interact with items 40% faster (from 60%)
- Lowered CRD-B4RD’s ability cooldown to 15 seconds (from 20)
- Lowered Scrooge’s ability cooldown to 30 seconds (from 40)
- Lowered Dracula’s ability cooldown to 60 seconds (from 75)
- Health cap lowered to 10 hearts (from 12)
- Lowered Quartz’s ability cooldown to 18 seconds (from 30)
- Increased Aloha’s party time to 16 seconds (from 10)
- Increased Greenhorn’s max rocks to 15 (from 10)
- Increased Celebi’s shield duration by 2 seconds
- Crystalflxme now has 4 max health (from 5)
- Lumi now slows down faster when reviving
- Doubled Dawnstar’s Squad Support bonus
- Revised the colors of Diego’s highlights
- Now also highlights energized items in red
- Buffed Brother of the Light
- Now gains interaction and revive speed up to x1.5 for each Brother (no buff when solo)
- Now gains 2 hearts for each fellow Brother (5 hearts when solo)
- The health cap of 15 is still in place
- Buffed Angel
- The ring of healing now lasts for 15 seconds (from 10)
- The animation is now 50% faster
- Improved healing consistency
- Lowered Cameraflage’s ability cooldown to 25 seconds (from 30)
- Lowered Doorbell’s ability cooldown to 10 seconds (from 15)
- Laser Pointer can now fire 4 lasers before reloading (from 3)
- Increased Headline’s ability earnings consistency
- Decreased the ability cooldown to 15 seconds (from 25)
- Firefly’s cooldown is now 48 seconds (from 60)
- Darkness duration is now 7 and 11 seconds (from 10 and 15)
- For two cameras and one camera, respectively
Known Issues
- Network lag when entering rounds
Version: v2.11.7
- Reverted Sprint Lobby
- Added minor ambient lights into the lobby
- Mansion
- Fixed floating items when stealing table during Wedding map event
- Improved collisions for banners during Wedding map event
- Removed floating part when Large Pipe is stolen
- Fixed NPC spawns during Wedding map event
- Fixed typo in Wedding map event dialogue
- Fixed typo in Rock Sculpture item
- Fixed stacked item issues in Lab
- Museum
- Added 1 new special item
- Fixed typo in Haunted Mansion map event dialogue
- Fixed NPC spawns in the Happy Home room
- Fixed incorrect stacked item
- Bank
- Fixed NPC spawn locations in upstairs hallway
- Fixed stacked items in upstairs hallway
- Fixed unstealable computer
- Complex
- Increased Luxury Pizza item value to $343
- Added Boxed Mirror item
- Police Station
- Fixed items spawning inside of other items when the Failed Heist event didn’t spawn
- Fixed Keys in the Failed Heist event not being stealable
- Farm
- Fixed items spawning inside of other items when the Unexpected Visitor map event
- Mall
- Buffed Loaded Safe item value
- Buffed item values
- Badge assortments in Museum (1w 20v → 1w 35v)
- Knife (2w 60v → 2w 75v)
- Cart (12w 350v → 12w 450v)
- Nerfed item values
- Action Figure (3w 200v → 3w 125v)
- Improved bounds clipping overall
Special Missions
- Fixed the “Surprise!!” anomaly teleporting thieves under the map with certain rotated camera hatches
- Updated Scrooge
- The extra money weight multiplier is now +2% (from +1.75%)
- Cooldown is now 26 seconds (from 30)
- Updated Lumi
- Rephrased the ability description to clarify the active ability is for changing directions in a pinch (not a significant speed boost)
- Cooldown is now 3 seconds (from 5)
- Updated Cyb0rg
- The shield now lasts 8 seconds (from 16)
- Cooldown is now 32 seconds (from 40)
- Doug can now only hide underground for a maximum of 16 seconds (from 20)
- Private Brian’s walkspeed bonus now lasts for 6 seconds (from 3)
- Murphy now has a 8 second cooldown (from 15)
- Santa now has a 38 second cooldown (from 45)
- Updated Firefly
- The duration of the blackout is now a constant 3.5 seconds (much shorter)
- During this time, you get 50% faster hatch switching speed
- Cooldown is now 32 seconds (from 48)
- Shockwire now fires wires quicker on average (based on distance rather than a constant time)
- Annihilator now has a 30 second cooldown (from 25)
- Headline now has a 10 second cooldown (from 15)
- Laser Pointer no longer has a laser heat debuff
Known Issues
- Network lag when entering rounds