In Plain Sight 2 - v2.7 Changelogs

Version: v2.7.0

Special Missions

  • Added Special Missions which occur every 4 rounds
  • These special rounds provide new or different gameplay to keep the experience fresh
  • Four different types of Special Missions can take place
    • Anomalous
      • The Anomalies from Halloween have returned!
      • More Anomalies now spawn with larger maps and more thieves in the round
      • Visual updates to many of the effects and sound upgrades
    • Overtime
      • The thieves are running out of time!
      • Rounds last for a shorter duration
      • Moving, stealing, and cameras are faster
    • Double Teaming (8+ players in-game only)
      • The thieves decided to split up. Literally!
      • Every thief is set to one of two preset characters (ex. a pair of Rose and Chase)
      • All possible pairings come from a set list
    • Stacked (8+ players in-game only)
      • All heists are better with more thieves!
      • Every thief is set to the same character
      • All possible thieves come from a set list

Supply Runs

  • Added a new event during every normal round, the Supply Run
  • Round events happen around halfway through the round
  • During a Supply Run, an NPC drops off a box of goodies for the thieves
  • This box can contain various amounts of differing supplies
    • Upgrade Packs that give random temporary buffs (speed, weight capacity, max health)
    • The elusive Energy Cell which can heavily buff an item of your choice
    • Medkits that heal +2 hearts


  • Added a setting to automatically skip the mugshots cutscene (credits to 1ivinginyourwalls)
  • Added sections in the monthly leaderboards to show your personal monthly earnings
  • Added a new statistic: Energized Items Stolen
  • Added fanart to the fanart building by
    • FloweryItsFluffy123
    • Its_AndrewTheReal
    • ArthurKinq
    • sasukatchi
    • emo8bit


  • New Discount Weekends!
    • Saturday and Sunday now have 25% discounts
    • No longer discounts on Tuesday and Friday


  • Added beans (credits to Snowdogbro)


  • Placed tier 3 bananas now give more consistent velocity


  • Reworked Tony
    • Now has a new ability, One Last Rep (name credits to crysta_wolf)
    • The ability picks up an item or an NPC and holds it over your head
    • Using the ability again while holding something drops it (held or dropped things don’t block lasers)
    • If you are holding an item, you are also able to also deposit it
    • Picking up an item or NPC does not affect weight
    • Tony is now Epic rarity (from Uncommon)
  • Remodeled some thieves
    • Subzero (credits to sasukatchi and Hypertxt)
    • Shareholder (credits to Hypertxt)
    • Juggernaut (credits to Hypertxt)
    • Tony (credits to sasukatchi)
  • Fixed Achilles and EOD creating many notifications for cameras using explosive shot on them
  • Fixed dropped hot coal not exploding if nobody was holding it after 15 seconds


  • When playing as camera, all moving NPCs (such as the NPCs at deposit points) now have a “NPC” label above them
  • Fixed Cameraflage’s ability showing the camera attachment after switching hatches
  • Remodeled some cameras (credits to Greeism)
    • Sir Camera
    • Roadblock
    • Cannon
    • Radar
    • Witch

Known Issues

  • Rounds occasionally ending too early
  • Network lag when entering rounds

Version: v2.7.1

Special Missions

  • Updated Overtime rounds
    • Fixed the walk speed boost disappearing after being revived
    • The walk speed boost now also applies while being downed

Supply Runs

  • Fixed the marker being visible to lobby players


  • Fixed the Rusted Mark I item not being trackable by the camera Radar


  • Updated Tony
    • Fixed how a cooldown was applied after being downed while not holding something
    • Fixed depositing held items not always giving money
    • Added a notification when depositing a held item

Known Issues

  • Rounds occasionally ending too early
  • Network lag when entering rounds

Version: v2.7.2

Special Missions

  • Removed the “Surprise!!” effect from rotation during the headstart period of Anomalous rounds
  • Added a 10% money bonus during Stacked, Double Teaming, and Overtime rounds
  • Slightly increased the occurrences of Overtime rounds

Supply Runs

  • Major changes
    • Two NPCs now carry separate boxes of supplies into the map during each supply run instead of just one
    • Each box contains different supplies and is marked with a different color for each type
      • Upgrade Packs are blue
      • Medkits are green
      • Energy Cells are red
    • Adjusted the quantities of supplies that spawn in each box to better fit the number of players
    • Both boxes will be dropped off far from each other
  • Changes to Upgrade Packs
    • “More Weight Capacity!” now lasts for 25 seconds (from 15)
    • “More Health!” now lasts for 25 seconds (from 15)
    • “Speed Up!” now lasts for 12 seconds (from 8)
  • Fixed the marker showing to lobby players right after joining a server
  • Increased the walkspeed of the NPCs
  • Medkits now heal 3 hearts (from 2)



  • Fixed weekend discounts displaying each sale day duration individually


  • Fixed an overly large collision mesh in Mansion


  • Stealing an item above your maximum weight capacity no longer voids the item if you lose the extra weight capacity
  • Fixed Tony not getting the correct cooldown when depositing while holding an item
  • Increased the AFK timeout to 30 seconds (from 25)
  • Fixed Paul’s pants not rendering in-game

Known Issues

  • Rounds occasionally ending too early
  • Network lag when entering rounds