In response to the 'oof' sound discussion

Yup, I loved it because it you click it and it auto walks you. Now they removed it. :frowning:

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Great to hear roblox open up about this topic.


The click to move feature wasn’t really used by many players.
Most likely added as an alternative from using WASD if a keyboard wasn’t equipped with the device or maybe broken.

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Yeah, but it was still cool to have.


Before this strays off topic, it’s important to note that Roblox has not explicitly confirmed that the ‘oof’ sound will be removed or replaced. Nothing seems to have come of that survey they did (and then deleted the post about it for some reason) just yet, but if they do decide to change the game over sound, you could still probably find recordings and memes of it on YouTube. You could also play “old roblox simulator” games on Roblox if the developers of those games decide to re-add the sound within their simulators.

For now, I believe you can still hear the sound when changing your volume in the menu, and when you die in-game (in games that are not scripted in ways that override that).

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Any more information regarding this? Haven’t heard anything from Roblox or Tommy, so I’m wondering if they came up with a solution?


We don’t really need a death sound actually, The death sound is just extra space and is not needed.

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This is kinda stupid. This drama is useless, If he cant prove ownership dont compensate. If he can, whats a few thousand dollars for a OG, Iconic roblox sound to a Multi-Million or Billion Dollar corporation like roblox?


The ‘oof’ sound has been a staple of ROBLOX ever since it was created. To remove it now would be of great sadness to many of the community, but in favour of nothing would be even worse.


Tommy hasn’t even bothered to update on the situation since January, which could mean it was a PR stunt all along just to defame Roblox, thus, getting negative media attention for Roblox.


I haven’t heard anything from Tommy Tallarico or Roblox about this situation since late January, so I’m guessing it’s over now. This whole copyright situation has barely made a dent in Roblox’s armor. Tommy Tallarico is probably currently ignoring this, as there are much bigger things in the world right now. Even after this COVID-19 pandemic is over, this copyright dispute is probably going to die like a DevForum post that was made all the way back in 2013.

(Even so, this whole topic would be pretty hard to bump back up again.)


By now, Roblox and Tommy probably quietly settled things behind closed doors (unless he’s perusing the suit, which could happen do to how slow the legal system is). We know he’s busy trying to make a games console so it’s understandable if he put this case on the back burner.

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You can’t sue Tommy, because he has proof of ownership.

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ROBLOX is completely at fault here. You can see Talllarico’s name in the metadata, and he even has shown the contract, which proves he owns the oof sound. He posted on his Twitter that he was allowing ROBLOX to purchase the oof sound, but ROBLOX said no. Please stop blaming Tommy here, calling it fake, etc. He is not at fault. He provided proof of ownership in 2 ways, and that’s definitely enough. He wants compensation, so give it to him! You’ve been using this sound since you created ROBLOX without his consent! It’s just that simple! I’m not sure why you won’t just give him the compensation to avoid a lawsuit.

To the ROBLOX community, I understand that the death sound is a huge part of the platform, but as I’ve already stated, ROBLOX was offered to purchase it, and they said no. Please stop hating on Tallarico, calling him fake, etc. This isn’t fake, he has provided proof. ROBLOX is fully at fault here.

I usually side with ROBLOX in these situations, but there is just too much proof and logic that supports Tallarico.

The fact that people are giving him death threats is absurd. This is 100% ROBLOX’s fault, and I hope that Tommy gets the compensation he deserves.


Actually it shows “Joe’s” name, not Tommy. You’re also missing the point that one of the documents he posted had a spelling error. Official documents VERY RARELY have spelling errors.


Yes, but if this has been taken to court, Tommy could very easily get the judge to verify his ownership (Assuming he is the owner of that peice).

Not to mention, where is the “Third Party Stock CD Website”? What about them? Why isnt Tommy going after them for selling there CD?

EDIT: I meant his work on their CD not “There CD”


You guys aren’t lawyers, neither for Tommy nor Roblox. This discussion honestly shouldn’t be happening on the forums; please can we just let it rest.


You realise how long ago I posted that reply, right?


Another argument for removing the death sound is to make it easier to customize. We don’t need a death sound. Yes, it would be sad if ROBLOX removes it but people will stop caring after they forget about this.

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It could also be that Tommy disappeared after all of this blew up. It wouldn’t really surprise me, there was quite a lot of drama that happened. Hopefully this entire situation cleared up and nobody got sued. But since we still have the OOF sound in-game, It’s probably safe to say ROBLOX is in the clear for now. :sweat_smile:

Partially unrelated to the topic, but if you’re going to edit a post, at least edit what you need to. Putting edit there only to not edit the original post is sort of odd to me. But perhaps that’s just me being overly observant.