In Search of Website Creator (15k)

Digitech South is In search of a Webpage developer who would be able to create a professional, top notch yet interesting webpage with easy UI and creative designs! :fire:

:hammer_and_wrench: About the Job :hammer_and_wrench:

:writing_hand: Job Description:
Looking for someone who is able to create a complete website on their own. Able to program it and design it. Need someone swift and delicate at getting the job done. Should have portfolio on UI and Programming/Past work/Past experience working on creating a webpage or similar task. Website created must be easy to use for all ages (For both older and younger users) and have sleek, simple, and creative design that shows our professionality. If you can only do one part of the job (Design or Program), still let us know and we will hire 2 separate roles if necessary

:dizzy: Should have Traits :dizzy:

  • Good Communication - Communication is a Must. It is important for developers and employer to communicate when needed.
  • Ability to Modify your Work/Update your work - When showing progress and your employer want change to certain aspects, developer should attempt to do it best as possible (Only when in progress)
  • Ability to Get Job Done Under Time limitation - You will receive a time limit of 15 days to complete the job
  • Past Work/Portfolio - Be able to show us your past work and portfolio when contacting us.

:wave: Age Limitation -14+ :wave:


  • 7.5k (7500) of Robux will be given in Midway of the commission and the Rest (7.5k/7500R$) will be given after completion. If separate hiring will be needed, different payment will be discussed upon Developers and Employer.

:speech_balloon: Contact :speech_balloon:

Methods: Pm me via Discord (KingTrolling#2815) or Send me a Email with your Contact in Discord, portfolio/past work at (Recommended method).

Thank you for reading and Have a great day!


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