In Studio, F11 key only works when viewport is active


Previously, the F11 key would toggle the fullscreen state of Roblox Studio regardless of what you last clicked on.

Now, it only works if you last clicked inside the game viewport. It stops working when you are in the script editor, for example.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Open a blank Baseplate in Roblox Studio.

  2. Press F11 on the keyboard. (Notice it doesn’t work.)

  3. Click on the baseplate inside the game viewport.

  4. Press F11 again. (This time it works.)

  5. Create a new script somewhere, and then open it.

  6. Press F11 once more. (It doesn’t work.)

Studio Configuration

OS: Windows 10

Beta Features:

  • Asset Manager
  • Safe Studio Updates


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We actively made this change. Previously, F11 was mapped to both Fullscreen and the Step Into function in the debugger and was a bit inconsistent. Alt-F11 should now activate Fullscreen at any time on Windows. F11 in the Script Editor is trying to activate debugger functionality. If you’re not stopped at a breakpoint, it may seem like it’s not doing anything :slight_smile:. You can check File > Advanced > Customize Shortcuts and search for “F11” to see other modifier combinations with this key.


Aww crap. I should’ve known F11 was also mapped a debugger command.

Thanks for clearing this up for me.

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