This is a topic showcasing vehicle models I have made. Criticism of any kind or other types of feedback gladly accepted
I will update the game with new models I make, and the topic with new vehicles I make.
Game link
Models will be updated with new game updates
Vehicles use my own chassis - Motor6Ds and Hinge(Constraint)s
Dodge Dart 1968 (No Interior, Textured)

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I added suspension which was way easier than I thought (kind of dependent suspension system)

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Alright, I see what you got going on. If I may suggest somrthing, why don’t you switch to mesh vehicles they look way cleaner in my opinion. I guess you could say im not much if a fun of blocky cars, aha.
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I know mesh cars do look better and more realistic, but I do not know how to model and so far I do like building cars in studio more (although I might test the chassis with a mesh car)
Alright then, keep doing what you like to do, and maybe at some point you can test out new things with mesh cars and whatnot.
That is what I made which is the 1973 model because all I do is put some curves on the front and rear end so that it looks even realistic more than doing the meshes. Do you think I love Blueprints? Well, no because its hard