In the group revenue page commissions are currently not listed unlike profile commissions

As a Roblox developer, it is currently impossible to see specific commission sales on the group revenue page, unlike the user revenue page where commissions are listed (as the image below):

A page added in group revenue for this would be nice to observe commission sales done in a group.


Thanks for submitting this request. It would be great if you could share a bit more about your use case. How are you currently tracking commission sales done in a group today? Are there any workarounds?


There is currently one work around and that would be going into revenue stats and downloading, however this does not give a live feed of commissions. Tracking sales in-game is what I do currently to see it.


I’d like to bump this feature request given that the previously mentioned workaround no longer works (since export revenue stats is deprecated)

There is no longer an easy method to see or download all commissions for groups

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Just bumping this. I recently released a donation feature for my game Draw n’ Spawn and just realized there is no good way of viewing the commissions earned on this game. Am I missing something? @CountLoops is there anything in the works for this?

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I also requested it a While ago for Security Reasons. We need it to make sure people did purchase those Comission in our Experiences.

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Bumping this! I really would like to see a feature where I can view my group commissions. It is kind of silly to me how there is now way to view group commissions, they are a vital part of game revenue and especially with an increasing amount of “group games” these days I’m sure many people feel the same way.

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Bumping this too, there is currently no way to list revenue sourced from commission sales making the Robux earned from such just “magically appear” with no way to trace it back to the original sale.

There is seemingly a metadata flag for this exact feature but since the underlying transactionType of “affiliateSale” is not supported by the economy API for groups, the feature fails to work. This inconsistency baffles me because I would have been under the assumption that transactions would be handled very similarly regardless of whether it is a user or group receiving the Robux; why are there inconsistencies like this?

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