In the script analysis beta, please quit displaying type information if it's too long

As a Roblox developer that is using the script analysis beta for typed Lua, occasionally I run into situations like this:

I certainly feel uh, type-safe

This information is worthless to me. I can’t even begin to process it. It goes down from nearly the top of my monitor to my taskbar, it takes a noticeable amount of time to appear, and I would honestly rather it just say “Key ‘filter’ not found in table” and underline it.


I agree, I feel like displaying a lot of key functions and multiple solutions to end the line isn’t the best solution or experience for a scripter, instead, I feel like having a nice list and toggle to view most of the information like you’ve shown in the topic.

I’ve had enough of this showing whenever I had some sort of W000 error in Brickcolor.Random(), don’t ask why I like using that, and many more functions that will display informational solutions whenever an error occurs in the line.

A solution for this has to be some sort of dropdown button/frame that will list out all the possible solutions/suggested functions instead of showing a long list or huge frame that is hard to read.

Image of some other function:

Oh the pain!