In what counties can you get voice chat without ID verification?

Getting voice chat without verefieng the ID is something pretty awesome and there is a very important point about it all. In some countries you can get voice chat just by having your account set to 13+ and your E - Mail and phone verefied.
Now I would want to know what countries except the USA and the UK are included. Are they only countries of which Roblox supports the language shown here: or are there more or less countries where you can get voice chat only by the steps above? Thank you all!


That link is about customer service, not voice chat

From what I know, voice chat is only rolled out to the USA without verification. All the other countries have to verify their phone number and email

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Well, I was able to find out that the same system goes for UK at least, but I am not aware of other countries. I know that the link isn’t about voice chat. It shows the languages Roblox support. I think that Roblox supports this system in all countries that use these languages, but I am not quite sure. That’s what I want to know.