Inability to Mitigate Part Influences in Terrain-Dependent Boat Physics

I like to make my creations applicable in almost any game, and any “game” I create have many things which may be plugged into itself during runtime. It has come to my attention through this effort that the terrain water’s physics hinder my abilities in certain situations. The test model (shown in the image) is unsymmetrical to account for small changes in weight and in a boat’s shape. I have realized now that regardless of settings like EnableFluidForces or Massless do not dictate a part’s susceptibility to be influenced by water, but CanCollide alone. Observe:

Pictured: dreadful display of part influences!

I have tried of course to use CollisionGroups, but there is an implied limit of 32 game-wide, which I do not want to have to adjust. Additionally, it becomes rather confusing when I strip the actual boat system of its model, as it simply fails to float, despite the use of a single transparent part in determining density.

What settings should I be changing, and/or what adjustments should I make to the body in order to prevent what is pictured?

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