It is currently impossible to give bugs specific to DevForum the correct topic when using the bug report wizard. When creating a bug report, the first step is to choose a topic from a list options as depicted below. As you can see, this causes bug reports regarding DevForum to have an incorrect topic, which means only individuals with the Editor or Leader trust levels can fix this after a user has made an incorrect post.
Forum bugs do not require the wizard because otherwise if the wizard was not working, you would not be able to report it.
I’m not sure if the wizard supports cross posting between categories, or if it only works within a category on its subcategories. But for sure adding an option there for the forum bugs category would be a convenient way to redirect people used to using the wizard.
A couple people, including me, have posted this as a feature request a while ago.
Hopefully they’ll implement it for Forum Bugs.
I would want this to be optional if it were to become a thing as as @PeZsmistic said, if the bug wizard was broken you would be unable to post…