Inaccuraries in RaycastHitboxV4

Hello, I am using RaycastHitboxV4 to handle my hitboxes for my parry-based combat but I have some problems. One of the main problems is that the raycast hitboxes heavily rely on the animations of the attack which could posed major problems such as damaging a player when it’s not supposed to and inconsistent hit detection due to animation desynchronization, I would appreciate any ideas on how to improve the accuracy of this hitbox system. Here is a picture of how I have it set up:

instead of using some plugin or anything, just add a part, name it “FakeHandle” size it to what youd like the hitbox to be, and just make your script consider “FakeHandle” as the hitbox, then its all good.

One of the main advantages of using RaycastHitbox is the fact that you can customize your hitbox to be basically any shape you want. Inaccurate hit detection is most likely because of your animations, or how you have your attachments set up (location) in your weapon.

When I use this method of hit detection, I will normally place the attachments 0.25 studs (or a lower increment) apart from each other, and also place them in a way that expands the hit detection’s region of influence (add an extra row on either side of the weapon, add an offset to each attachment, etc.).

If you want to add another layer to account for players that frequently lag, you could add some kind of magnitude hit detection system, as in if the target is x amount of studs away from the sword, they still get damaged even if they never explicitly touched the sword.

I personally would just stick with RayCastHitbox and continue to tweak the hitbox until it detects every hit you want it to.

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