Inaccurate Bounding Box for Spheres used in CSG operations

So I’ve had this issue where no matter what I do, even just pressing union when only selecting a sphere part - 85% of the time the bounding box is always weird, not as in wonky, as in there’s random gaps in the bounding box even though there shouldn’t be. I’ve tried it in every configuration, it’s only spheres and anything using spheres

The weird thing is, it sometimes fixes if I move it off of the baseplate and into the air, and if that doesn’t fix it then sometimes rotating it different angles and then reunioning it can fix it.

I’ve had this only with CSGv3, in both beta and mandatory usage, and it is affecting my productivity on Studio as I use Spheres a lot in my builds.

Place a sphere on the baseplate, get a normal part and negate it from the sphere to make it a hemisphere or even just unioning the sphere on its own, may take a couple tries to get the problem, the bounding box error may be a minor gap or a major one.

System Info
CPU - Intel i5 @3.30ghz, 16gb DDR3 Ram, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650

Beta Features Enabled

  • Material Generator
  • UGC Bodies & Heads
  • Upgrade Shorelines

The images below show how the bounding box has gaps between itself and the sphere:

Expected behavior

Expected Result
The sphere would union and the bounding box would be correct following the spheres space consumption, not having large gaps.


Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when there’s any update on the issue.

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Hey @Ncuti_Gatwa ! I am looking into this, but I can’t reproduce the issue. Are you able to share a reproducer of this issue?