Inaccurate Play Solo - Play old experimental mode RBXL files

Inaccurate Play Solo

I wanted to play some old experimental mode games so I made this plugin
it lets you play broken old games with minimal changes as it emulates how roblox studio pre-FE used to play solo

this does NOT work with teamcreate and all hopperbins MUST be converted to tools without RequiresHandle (no code changes needed besides changing Selected to Equipped)

Most of the ranged tools (ex. slingshot) that no longer went towards the mouse worked in my limited testing

To use the plugin:

  1. install it from here
  2. if you made any changes SAVE!
  3. press the “Play” button in the plugin toolbar
  4. run the command game.Players:CreateLocalPlayer()

I would make it just a button with no commands required but roblox removed the ability for plugins to create players

While you technically can stop the play solo, i recommend you just reload from last save as some built in plugins dont create widgets correctly if you dont.

Note: While this was based on my project 2015, it contains none of the non CC0-1.0 code besides roblox’s corescripts so you can do whatever you want with this


This plugin is AMAZING!

This genuinely feels surreal. Not only does it work on old games, but if you are crazy you can use it with modern games too!

I do wish there was a way to reset it without restarting ROBLOX, but I feel that wouldn’t be possible since this is trying to emulate how Play Solo used to work.

Can’t wait to see all the possibilities with this.


  • Fixed a few minor issues
  • Now theres toolbar buttons
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would it be possible to SOMEHOW make this work with normal play? like could you theoretically somehow make it so it works without studio?

If you want that check out novetus

yeah but that is a separate thing from the roblox website if you simpily made something that fixes old broken scripts and tools ONLY (anything thats broken over time) it’d allow for so much more games to work again, people could host accounts with old games that use this engine to work