Inactive badges not being seen without "Configure avatar items" group permission

I was going to modify an in-active badge for a game I work on, but when I went to the badges page it isn’t there.

Luckily I do have the Badge ID so I’m able to get to the configure page.
Re-enabling the badge it shows up instantly:

After messing with groups for awhile, I found out it’s because I don’t have the permission “Configure avatar items”, which makes 0 sense, as the permissions for experiences is on: (
Yet the permission required to see is on:
(Log in to Roblox)
Page URL:

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To clarify, this isn’t the root-cause; the badges API used on the website will return inactive badges if you have autorisation to view them on the creator dashboard. The issue here appears to rather be that the API isn’t doing so in this case.

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After looking into more, creating my own group and messing around with group permissions it appears that it’s just a problem with group permissions. But for whatever reason, the permission that is required to see in-active badges is “Configure avatar items”, which is not even apart of the creator hub. I’ll update the bug report now.

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