Hello! This is a recruitment post, regarding the fact that my new company I’m starting on Roblox, which will be a cafe focusing on making tea drinks, are seeking a programmer/scripter. The name of my new starting company is “Pekoe.” Which is a black tea made from young leaves.
We are looking for an excellent scripter. We need one that can exceed to the limit. If you have any experience with scripting cafes or similar to that, etc. this may be for you. Scripting will include UIs, drinks, food machines, etc.
Me and my new company are willing to pay USD through the PayPal method. Rarely a good 40-USD to 60-USD.
You can contact me through replying to this DevFourm post
Uhm, no need to use exclamation points to “yell”, and you could ask me nicely. The Scripter will be programming UIs, programming the drinks, cups, etc.
Like scripting a coffee machine. Like scripting when you, for example: put the cup over the machine and the machines spills coffee into the cup. And, I could do payouts but I would still go with PayPal.