'Inappropriate place name or description' for certain *.roblox.com links and Date format

Right before I create this post, I tried to edit game description and It keeps show this error when there are certain *.roblox.com links and Date (2020/mm/dd)


The game: šŸ’„Base Wars! [ Attack Helicopter Revamp! ] - Roblox

The Full Description Text that will trigger the error:

Fight with various weapons, Capture facilities and endless battle!
Classic shooter game since 2009! 
Award: RGC 2012 Userā€™s Choice Game of the Year

ā–ŗ Update every other Saturday.
Latest Update: 2020/05/23 (v21.1.0)
Latest Hotfix: 2020/05/27 (v21.1.0b) 
Next Scheduled Update will be on 2020/06/06

ā–ŗ Update Log: 
ā–ŗ How to View Full Map: 
ā–ŗ Game Rules: 
ā–ŗ Other Works - Zealous Fighter
ā–ŗ Test Server

ā–ŗ Community:
Check 'Social Links' below.

After I did some attempted, I found out these:

The following phases will trigger the error


The following links will trigger also the error:


Edit: I have removed all of the ā€˜ā–ŗā€™ on the live game description and seems it works now.
Replacing ā€˜ā–ŗā€™ to Emoji 'such as :memo:, :video_game: and :wrench:. Will also trigger the error.
These icon and emojis suppose to be working before.


You canā€™t represent links with text, so your update log, full map and rules links should just be their URL.

Try representing the dates as 6 June 2020 instead of 2020/06/06 to see if that helps.

The links are all allowed if you put them in as just the URL, so after that change I doubt theyā€™d cause problems.


They are represented as URL in the actual game description. They are just auto converted on DevForum.
I have edited them so it should show as Preformatted text now.

I have changed the date as ā€˜6 June 2020ā€™ and it works on live game description
However ā€˜yyyy/mm/ddā€™ suppose to work in the past so I hope roblox will fix this issue.

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They might be misinterpreting it as a birth date, so to protect against people giving away personal information it is not accepted.

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Well, that makes no sense. If Iā€™m not able to say I was born 2003/07/12 (not my real birthday) but I am able to say 12 July* 2003, there is no reason Roblox should be filtering that.


I agree. Thereā€™s plenty of cases where the filter arbitrarily blocks something that could be stated another way.

If I had to take a guess at why: Blocking all dates would be really restrictive. Blocking dates in a format that you tend to see date of birth and very rarely see other information seems like a reasonable place to start.

Iā€™m not guaranteeing thatā€™s the actual reason, just an educated guess based on many battles with the filter. I was just offering up some context and helping the OP identify other ways of achieving what theyā€™re after in the meantime.

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I also have the same problem, but not with links. Instead, iā€™m encountering the ā€œInappropriate place name or descriptionā€ whenever i put my username in the description.

I donā€™t really know whatā€™s wrong with my username. It wasnā€™t inappropriate when i changed my username to my current one.


Apparently the digits cause the ā€œInappropriate place name or descriptionā€ message. Iā€™ve had this issue as well.

You can change your Devforum links to:



I tried using Johnsboro as a name for a project Iā€™m working on and ROBLOX rejected it, but when I used Jonesboro, they took it.

Thatā€™s something that they definitely need to look at.

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Iā€™ll bump this again.

I found another issue with the filter. Once again I had to rewrite the description it turns out it was because just changed the date (to let people know the game updated) from 6/8/21 to 6/15/21. I have no idea why that gets it filtered.