Include Graphics Requirements for Visual Effects in DevHub

As a developer, the Developer Hub is very useful for referencing visual effect use cases before investing dev time to implement them.

One piece of information I feel is lacking from these pages is that they do not include Graphics Requirements on the effect’s page.


  • Beam objects will reduce their Segments property depending on the player’s graphics settings, all the way down to 1 (a straight line) if the player is playing on the lowest graphics settings. This is obviously a great performance optimization feature, and I’m not asking to change this, but I am asking to include a note about this requirement on the Dev Hub. Beams are often used as player interaction proximity limits (think like a shop activation circle) so it’s important to know if there’s a situation where players won’t seem them.

  • ParticleEmitter.Flipbook objects do not render at all when graphics settings are lower than 5 (or so slowly as to not be effective). Again, great performance optimization, but since Flipbooks are often used for attack telegraphs and input feedback, it’s important to know if there’s cases where they won’t show or be delayed to the player.

We always appreciate the performance optimization tools that Roblox includes, as well as how thorough the documentation is for these visual effects, but this info is lacking.



Another Solution to this problem would be to add a Minimum amount of Segments regardless of graphic settings.

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