Please follow the format in How to post a Feature Request
Please use #platform-feedback:documentation-requests for Developer Hub requests, and #forum-feedback for Developer Forum requests!
Be as specific as possible, give your post a clear and descriptive title, and focus on problems and use cases, rather than proposed solutions.
As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to understand the history of changes of my experience’s in a data export. Roblox has recently surfaced an ‘activity history’ log. We can some requests in how to enhance the feature:
- Include icon/thumbnail changes in the activities logged?
- Can you add date ranges instead of a single date
- Can you include an “Export” button to download a CSV of changes?
If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because we would have greater insights into our activities and be able to house the data.