Incognito mode for online activity

As a Roblox user, it is currently impossible to hide my online activity.

Let’s look at Discord.

Discord has an Invisible feature, that hides your activity on the site, but still gives you full access to chatrooms and servers.

To extend my privacy on Roblox, an incognito feature on Roblox would be extremely useful.

I don’t want my friends to always know what I’m playing on Roblox. If I’m playing a game I haven’t finished yet, or I’m doing something I can’t be bothered with, I don’t want random friends to know I’m online or know what I’m playing, so this feature would come in handy.

I also just don’t want random creepos wondering what I’m doing on the site?

This would also come in handy for star creators who don’t want random people joining their games and harassing them, instead of the more redundant solution: making an alternative account.

Games you play also won’t be recorded in friend activity.

Incognito toggle settings can be found in Privacy settings.


If I don’t want people to know I’m online or what I’m doing for whatever reason, I should have the choice to disable access to that information.