Income graphs

Have you ever been staring at your summary page thinking what earned you the most money? It’s hard to get a sense of scale on things currently. The transaction history is useless when you want to do this, especially if you have large amounts of income.

Income graphs would help immensely. They would display the source of your income with different colours depending on what type of asset or item it is, all could be toggled with the press of a button.

A sorted list of your assets that were the most purchased ones would also be handy to have alongside this.


Definitely want.

I want! :slight_smile:

You guys forgot to hit the thank-you button

We will be providing you with a spreadsheet to get information on your games. We are calling it Developer dashboard. There is a link to Developer stats from each place for those who are interested. Soon you can download a spreadsheet info. I will post some useful charting formulas on the wiki.

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