Inconsistent Top Bar

The new top bar is inconsistent across players and devices which makes updating our UI much harder.

On mobile, the scaling and positioning of the new top bar is different than on PC and there is no way to automatically make it work besides manually tuning numbers to hard code a fix.

For example, we updated our top bar UI to work with Roblox’s new one however some users still have the old one active, this user is on PC.
I also have the same issue on my Iphone 8 that I use for mobile playtesting, the app is up to date.

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You can use GuiService.TopbarInset.Y to detect new topbar, if it’s bigger than 37 (OLD UI) then it’s the new one.


At this time, some users still having the old top bar is intentional. To handle this variation appropriately - there are a couple different APIs you can use to ensure your UI is within the correct bounds, regardless of what device a user is on or which version of the Top Bar they have (see TopbarSafeInsets API and signal API). We highly recommend using these instead of hardcoding the positioning so you never have to worry about it changing.

You can find more information in this previous post: