Incorrect description for __lt and __le metamethods

Issue Description

In the description of the __lt metamethod it is stated that >= will invoke __lt and invert the result:

Note: Using the >= greater than or equal to operator will invoke this metamethod and return the opposite of what this returns, as greater than or equal to is the same as not less than.

and in the description of the __le metamethod it is stated that > will invoke __le and invert the result:

Note: Using the > greater than operator will invoke this metamethod and return the opposite of what this returns, as greater than is the same as not less than or equal to.

This is not how > and >= work with overloaded comparison operators. > will reverse the order of its input and call __lt (a>b β†’ b<a), and >= will do the same thing but with __le (a>=b β†’ b<=a). If no __le metamethod is present, <= and >= will fall back to calling __lt (a<=b β†’ not(b<a), a>=b β†’ not(a<b)).

Issue Area: Documentation Content
Page URL: Metatables | Roblox Creator Documentation

Please tell me if I am wrong, but is __iter missing in the documentation?

Thanks for the report. I filed a ticket to our internal database.

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Hi @Halalaluyafail3 - just wanted to give you a heads up that this section should be updated in our documentation. Thanks for reporting this :slight_smile:

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@naahchos, sorry for bumping but this has created an issue with the page formatting. The description column now goes out of the table’s bounds.

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